Tower Records and the end of an era, courtesy of Radley Balko.
Tower Records and the end of an era, courtesy of Radley Balko.
For the past few days, the city of San Francisco has been passing out fake marriage licenses to gullible gay couples. "Progressives" are lauding the act of "civil disobedience." So, will someone...anyone...get two friends of the opposite sex and try to get a marriage license for three. If they're going to do this, let's see […]
So, I'm flipping channels and I come across NBC's "Fear Factor," or as I like to call it: "Gross-out morons on parade." Apparently today's episode is the couples' challenge. The contest appears to be for the female half of the couple to spend one minute in a box with a bunch of tarantulas crawling all […]
I'm sure many of you are familiar with Brazil's decision to photograph and fingerprint American visitors to that nation as a lame rebuke to the fact that we do something similar to their citizens (and most other nations') when they visit the United States. We do it to try to track terrorists and others who […]
It's Presidents' Day and if you appreciate Hoystory and wish to send a few presidents my way, there's Amazon and Paypal links on the left. I'd also like to mention the Google ads, which are great for transferring funds from various Democrat campaigns to Hoystory. If you see a Howard Dean or John Kerry ad, […]
The Alabama National Guard base commander who Democrats have cited as an authority on "Bush never showed up" claim, suffers from Alzheimer's. Retired Brig. Gen. William Turnipseed, the 187th's Tactical Reconnaissance Group's former commander, recanted his statement that he couldn't remember if Bush reported for duty, now saying his memory is faulty because he's in […]
Senate Democrats have revealed the party affiliations of these two types of people. A whistleblower is always a Democrat and a thief is always a Republican. And Democrats accuse Republicans of always seeing things in black and white.
Columnist Charles Krauthammer gave the annual Irving Kristol lecture last week at the American Enterprise Institute. You can find the text of his talk here. It's long, but I can't emphasize enough how worthwhile it is for every American in this post-9/11 world. Krauthammer divides foreign policy into four major schools of thought and the […]
Britain's Sun newspaper is reporting that the "other woman" in Sen. John Kerry's alleged affair has recorded a tell-all interview with an American TV network. According to the paper, the network is sitting on the tape until they can verify the woman's story to their satisfaction. I'm curious as to which network has the interview […]
From a reader in San Diego, Calif.: Hoystory is the best blog in the history of the Internet, nay the World. Never before has their been a Web site with such depth and breadth. Hoystory stands as a colossus astride the blogosphere, blotting out the inconsequential and overrated -- such as Instapundit, Altercation, Kausfiles and […]