February 21, 2004
Quick point on anti-Semitism and Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"

I've been watching some of the TV reporting and listening to some talk radio where various individuals have been discussing "The Passion." The concern that has been raised is that the movie may create anti-Semitic feeling and lead to violence against Jews. I haven't seen the film, but this claim is hogwash. Most Christians nowadays […]

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February 20, 2004
Iraq war fallout

Pardon the pun, but Libya's WMD program was able to make some plutonium for a nuclear weapon. Libya has agreed to international inspections and to give up its WMD programs because our diplomats asked them nicely the swift and brutal manner in which Saddam Hussein's regime was taken care of scared Libya's leader Moammar Qaddafi.

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February 20, 2004
Stick a fork in him

Dean is done. Of course, Dean was done after he got his butt kicked in both Iowa and New Hampshire -- he just didn't know it. The Dean campaign's biggest problem all along wasn't anything they could do anything about -- you can't fire the candidate. Today's New York Times reports that one of Howard […]

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February 19, 2004

Fox News' "Special Report with Brit Hume" did a little report on the swank Georgetown digs that Democrat Senators John Kerry and John Edwards live in (Edwards owns his; Kerry's wife, Madame Ketchup owns the other). Both of the homes are more than 100 years old and each is worth north of $3 million. So, […]

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February 18, 2004
And then there were two

John Edwards made a strong enough showing yesterday to effectively make it a two man race with Sen. John Kerry. Edwards still has a lot of work to do, but it appears as though March 2 will be the date we finally find out for sure who the Democrats' nominee will be. Kerry is still […]

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February 18, 2004
Covering for Glenn Frankel?

I mentioned an article on the BBC's Web site earlier this week that contained a quote by a Washington Post writer by the name of Glenn Frankel. Frankel asserted that proof of Kerry philandering wouldn't suprise anyone and the Post wouldn't run with the story even if they had photos to prove it. Well, it's […]

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February 18, 2004
More on infidelity and presidential politics

I mentioned earlier this week the crippling effect a proclivity to philander can have in a president. My thoughts along that line regarding former President Bill Clinton focused on the events which occurred in his second term. But Slate's Mickey Kaus observes that Clinton's "bimbo eruptions" also affected his first term and possibly had an […]

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February 17, 2004
Mel Gibson's "Passion"

I watched most of Mel Gibson's interview on ABC last night (I think I missed the first 5-10 minutes) and was impressed. Gibson's description of the flaws in the past and how, by the grace of God, he finally overcame many of them, was inspiring. I'll see the "Passion" when it comes out -- probably […]

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February 17, 2004
An honor for Hoystory

I don't know how it happened, but Hoystory comes in this week at No. 7 on the BloggerForum Top 10 Blogspot sites of the week. An explanation of the criterion for winning is located here. I read that and it's still as clear as mud exactly how you get into the Top 10. Anyway, I'd […]

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February 17, 2004
Kerry scandal update

Well, the woman at the center of the alleged affair with Sen. John Kerry has now denied that anything happened. Her parents -- the same ones apparently who thought Kerry a "sleazeball" last week -- have come out with a statement claiming they love Kerry and will vote for him. I'm sorry, but the parents' […]

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