"Weird Al" Yankovic's parents were killed today in a house fire.
...and water's for fighting over. When I read this, I found it strangely refreshing. Local water officials voted yesterday to appeal to the state Supreme Court regarding litigation aimed at protecting the region's water supply during a crisis. The case filed by the San Diego County Water Authority focuses on the method used by the […]
No one said this would be easy, but it's better that these thugs, both Shia and Sunni, get this out of their system (i.e. dead) sooner rather than later. For Iraq to become a functioning Democracy, the people need to learn that voting and violence are not the same thing. Those who cannot be dissuaded, […]
Best thing said yesterday about Ted Kennedy and his Vietnam comparisons: Turn on the radio. The host is playing a clip of Ted Kennedy declaring “Iraq is George Bush’s Vietnam.” Well, Ted, we’re a long way from Vietnam, when American irresolution condemned millions to the gulag or to exile. Maybe we’ll get to that point, […]
The inestimable Viking Pundit has an idea of what New York Times columnist Paul Krugman will write about in tomorrow's column. I'm going to have to concur with his assessment. *UPDATE* In a wily attempt to prove us wrong, Krugman has addressed the uptick in new jobs. Krugman's analysis: Not good enough. Frankly, Krugman's "analysis" […]
I didn't get up this morning at a ridiculous hour to watch National Security Adviser Condoleezza get quizzed by the politicized 9/11 commission. You can find a full transcript here. I'll try to get around to reading it later tonight and post some thoughts if anything catches my interest.
The peaceful Muslims in Iraq have kidnapped three Japanese civilians (two aid workers and a journalist) and two Israeli Arabs. The group that abducted the Japanese has threatened to burn three hostages alive if its demands go unmet, according to a video aired on Arabic-language news channel Al-Jazeera. Thus far, there's no denunciation attacks like […]
Neil Cavuto has John "Flipper" Kerry on right now talking about the economy, etc. But Kerry's response to one question was so weaselly it just had me screaming. Cavuto: Senator, would you be for raising the Social Security retirement age? Kerry: No. Cavuto: Would you be for means-testing Social Security? Kerry: No. Cavuto: So, Social […]
Rick Atkinson's Pulitzer Prize-winning "An Army at Dawn" set a pretty high standard for the Washington Post reporter. Those of us who were awaiting the second installment of his trilogy will have to wait a little longer, because the Iraq War broke out and he was sent to cover it. The story of the latest […]
John "Flipper" Kerry has made the case that, though he is a Catholic, those core beliefs have no impact on his votes as a legislator -- at least as they relate to abortion and the intentional murder (re: The Unborn Victims of Violence Act) of unborn children. Unlike the previous president who shared his initials, […]