The transcript can be found here. Ronald Reagan belongs to the ages now, but we preferred it when he belonged to us. Well said.
The transcript can be found here. Ronald Reagan belongs to the ages now, but we preferred it when he belonged to us. Well said.
Once more, the Union-Tribune moderate-conservative editorially, but definitely liberal in the newsroom. Tonight, when Reagan's name came up one copy editor said: "Reagan disgusted me and he disgusted the American people." The former I can't dispute, but the latter? A Fox News Poll (scroll way down) shows that 65 percent of Americans say they supported […]
New York Times talentless hack columnist Paul Krugman continues his crusade to minimize Reagan's legacy and trash his own economic credentials a column at a time. I'll let Don Luskin and others pick apart Krugman's economics, but one juxtaposition in Krugman's column demonstrated that Krugman is only interested in making partisan points. The architect of […]
One of America's greatest musicians, Ray Charles, died today at 73. They played both his excellent version of "You Are My Sunshine," and, his rendition of (and perhaps the best version ever done of) "America the Beautiful," on the radio on my way into work today. The guy had talent by the truckloads. He will […]
Editorially, the San Diego Union-Tribune is moderate-to-right on the political spectrum. Those offices are on the fourth floor. On the third floor is the newsroom. The newsroom is largely left-to-very-left. So, I was only moderately surprised when I walked by and heard an editor opining on Ronald Reagan's legacy and state that the reporting ignored […]
No surprise here, but hate-filled, talentless, wacko Ted Rall thinks he's god. Mr. Rall defended the "crispy brown" comment and said it was made "to get people to understand that the right is attempting to canonize this guy, and it is ridiculous. If there is a hell, this guy is in it." Ted, don't be […]
Well, it turns out that the L.A.County supervisors who have voted to acquiesce to the ACLU's demands to remove the tiny cross on the county seal aren't chicken -- they're uneducated. Let us review: The First Amendment to the Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise […]
No suprise, really, but in today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing he "questioned" Attorney General John Ashcroft. Ashcroft: I condemn torture. I think it ... it ... Biden: So it's not justified then? Ashcroft: I don't think it's productive, let alone justified. Biden: Well, I don't either. And, by the way, there's a reason ... I'll […]
For about eight years I've had my name on the SPJ-L list. Back in the mid-90s the list served as a forum for advice on the craft of journalism, job opportunities and general advice. Starting about the time of the 2000 presidential election, however, the listserv became little more than a collection of conspiracy theories, […]