From "Best of the Web Today": French doctors are carefully watching terrorist leader Yasser Arafat; if his condition improves significantly, they may be able to pronounce him dead today.
From "Best of the Web Today": French doctors are carefully watching terrorist leader Yasser Arafat; if his condition improves significantly, they may be able to pronounce him dead today.
Today's honor goes to National Review's Jonah Goldberg for this gem: ... Jane Smiley, a woman who couldn't catch a clue if you used one as a pestle and her brain pan as the mortar. B-E-A-utiful.
The Air Force is working on the mother of the mother of all bombs.
Some of you may recall that several months ago a student at Poway High School got pulled out of class for wearing a T-shirt with the words "I Will Not Accept What God Has Condemned" on the front and "Homosexuality Is Shameful, Romans 1:27" on the back. He wore the T-shirt the same day some […]
Marines and soldiers have begun the assault on the terrorist stronghold of Fallujah. Say a prayer for their safety and their success.
Netflix was finally able to come up with a copy of the documentary fisking of America-hater Michael Moore's propaganda piece. I watched it last night and it's definitely a worthwhile time to spend your evening. The film features a couple of individuals who were stealthily interviewed and inserted into Moore's screed without their knowledge. It […]
I'm finally getting around to watching my news shows and was just struck, once again, by Margaret Carlson's incredible arrogance. First, she is still peddling that nonsense that George W. Bush wasn't elected in 2000. Second, as she tried to get into the discussion she told National Review's Kate O'Beirne to stop gloating because it's […]
The New York Times op-ed page editor has written that pieces they consider for the page represent a variety of views. Well, today's paper reveals that to be the farce that it is. In addition to a couple of whiny columns by Paul Krugman and Bob Herbert, we have two other pieces. One entitled "Why […]
You can count the number of conservatives in a newsroom of several hundred people on your fingers -- with no need to borrow those of a friend. Last night I was asking an editor about the length of a story she was editing and she was really excited to show me something that one of […]
Finally was able to post something I wrote yesterday afternoon. Blogger had been unresponsive since about 1 p.m. yesterday. It appears to be working now -- though still a little balky.