FBI agents raided GOP Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham's home Friday, along with the Washington, D.C., headquarters of defense contractor MZM Inc. Republicans had better start thinking about who they want to run for Cunningham's seat next year.
With court cases like last week's dueling decisions on the Ten Commandments and the decade-plus legal battle on the cross atop on Mount Soledad (part of a veterans memorial), it should be no surprise that there are people in this country that want all traces of religion out of the public square. Today's poster child […]
Over at NRO's "Bench Memos" blog, Edward Whelan has some excellent questions to ponder as we await President Bush's announcement of a new Supreme Court nominee. Do we Americans still believe the “self-evident†truth that “all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are […]
On Fox News' "Special Report with Brit Hume" Friday, NPR reporter/pundit Juan Williams weighed in on today's announcement by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor that she would be retiring. When asked by host Jim Angle if the deal by the "Gang of 14" on avoiding the nuclear option and allowing William Pryor, Priscilla Owen and Janice […]
On journalism: The Sacramento Bee's Diana Griego Erwin quit a couple months back after questions were raised by editors about one of her columns. The results of an investigation into Griego Erwin's work show that she created dozens of columns from whole cloth. An internal investigation into the published work of former Bee columnist Diana […]
If you've been reading this blog since last week, you're infinitely more informed about the Supreme Court's Kelo decision than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi -- in this case the D really does stand for "dumb". Q Later this morning, many Members of the House Republican leadership, along with John Cornyn from the Senate, are […]
Here's a couple of articles for those who are interested in the idiocy that is the Supreme Court: George Will and John Podhoretz.
More instruction for the Dumb Dick Durbin: In May 1969, I was taken out for interrogation on suspicion of planning an escape. I was forced to remain awake for long periods of time -- three weeks on one occasion. On the first of June, I was put in a cement box with a steel door, […]
It appears as though the world's preeminent state sponsor of terrorism has lived up to its title -- and "elected" a terrorist president. That's right, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was one of the terrorist leaders who stormed the American embassy and took American citizens captive in 1979. I'm hopeful that Ahmadinejad, a hardliner, will crack down […]