March 24, 2006
Ready! Fire! Aim!

Wednesday the Supreme Court ruled 5-3 that police officers may not search a home if any person residing there objects. In the incident that created the case, police had been called to the home on a domestic violence dispute. During the course of the investigation, the wife told police that her husband had cocaine in […]

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March 23, 2006
Mischaracterization or cutting to the quick?

When the New York Times first exposed the NSA's terrorist surveillance program it was a day or two later that President Bush publicly confirmed the existence of the program and his approval of the program. I was working that day and saw the headline on the San Diego Union-Tribune's front page story on that issue […]

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March 23, 2006
Missing the point

Editor & Publisher notices the Associated Press' "straw man story" and then does something sadly predictable when it comes to recounting conservatives' criticisms of the piece. Reaction also came from Loven's critics, such as, the Minnesota-based site that has chronicled Loven going back to her coverage of the 2004 presidential election. Among its complaints […]

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March 23, 2006
Letters to the editor

I often read the letters to the New York Times editorial page not necessarily for what they say, but too see how disparate the ideological balance is on the page. I'd love to know if the Times overwhelmingly receives letters from the left/liberal end of the spectrum or if the mix is a little more […]

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March 23, 2006

It appears that Christian Abdul Rahman won't be executed in Afghanistan for converting to Christianity, but the "solution" to this international incident isn't acceptable either. Diplomats in several countries said Wednesday they had been assured Rahman would not be put to death, and Afghan diplomatic sources confirmed this. In Kabul, officials said Rahman, 46, might […]

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March 22, 2006
Solutions for newspapers?

Glenn Reynolds, better known as the Instapundit, has an interesting article over at Tech Central Station on what newspapers need to do to stay competitive in an increasingly Web-centric information society. The only real complaint I have about the column is one suggestion that Reynolds makes regarding photojournalism: Second, I'd put some of the money […]

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March 22, 2006
And you thought the Sony rootkit was bad

The Sony rootkit, for those of you whose only knowledge of computers is how to get here to Hoystory, was a piece of software that came packaged with certain music CDs and was installed on computers without the owners' knowledge or permission. This rootkit was designed in such a way to make it difficult to […]

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March 21, 2006
New Orleans government at work

If there was any doubt that the mayor of New Orleans was an incompetent bureaucrat (and the governor of Louisiana wasn't much better) then this story should disabuse you. You see, Hurricane Katrina left thousands of useless, flooded cars throughout the city. Six months ago a Texas car-crushing company offered to remove all of these […]

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March 21, 2006
Hoystory reads

I finished readling James L. Swanson's "Manhunt: The Twelve Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer" last night and I wholeheartedly suggest that anyone with any interest in the Civil War era pick it up. The book is an in-depth and compelling account of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the hunt for John Wilkes Booth […]

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March 20, 2006
Why bother?

What if there was an anti-war protest and no one came? OK, how about if there was an anti-war protest and only two people showed up? Talk about a slow news day -- and it even merited a photo. What a waste of precious journalistic resources.

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