March 19, 2017
More speech, not less

The political left's catch-all solution for speech they don't like is to propose a new law, regulation or two-minutes of hate targeted to silence the offender. For conservatives and old-school, small "l" liberals, the answer to "bad" speech is more speech, not less. Enter California Assemblyman Ed Chau, a Democrat (obviously), has introduced Assembly Bill […]

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September 22, 2016
Debate moderators should facilitate, not fact-check

The inclusion of “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace as one of the moderators for this fall’s presidential debates sparked a firestorm when he told colleague and media reporter Howard Kurtz that it wasn’t his job as a moderator to fact-check the candidates during the actual debate. I do not believe that it is my […]

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July 27, 2016
Abetting Gavin Newsom's Big Lie

Last week, Politifact's California arm issued a rating for Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom's "Safety for All" group. Politifact runs the numbers and it turns out that by cobbling together a bunch of Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) categories you can get a number that is more than 2x the number of McDonalds franchisees in the state. […]

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May 23, 2016
VA Hospitals aren't Disneyland

Today, Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald uttered what may be the dumbest words said by someone in the federal government until the next time Vice President Joe Biden steps in front of a camera. At a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor, McDonald said: "When you got to Disney, do they measure the number […]

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August 22, 2015
True, but conservative

If you read any of the critics of the self-appointed fact-checkers at Politifraud, you'll realize that the media organization is far from the unbiased referee it pretends to be. It's a left-wing media organization through and through. One that's actually worse that most at suppressing its biases. Today's case in point is a Politifact Georgia "fact-check" […]

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June 23, 2015
Politifraud is Mostly Useless

The fact-check itself is interesting only in that it is an example of a Politifraud admission against interest. What I want to draw attention to is the Editor's note as evidence that Politifraud is Mostly Useless. Really? I'm trying to understand exactly how ignorant of the world you have to be not to know that […]

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February 25, 2015
Journalism 101

I've said before that the longer I've been out of newspapers and the news business, the more disdain and outright hostility I feel for too many of those who remain in it. It's not petty jealousy. It's the fact that when all I see is the crap they produce and don't deal with them as people […]

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July 30, 2014
Any idiot can get elected to Congress

Today's idiot is Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Democrat of Texas, proof positive that intelligence, humility and a sense of shame are unnecessary (and possibly detrimental) to a career in the House of Representatives. Yes, that's Ms. Lee claiming that the Democrats never tried to impeach President Bush. Does she think memories in Washington, D.C. are […]

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October 16, 2013
Politifarce again

Honestly, keeping on top of the hacks a "Politifact" could be a full-time job. Maybe the Koch Bros. could hire me at an exorbitant rate to school Politifraud on their own rules. Today's case in point is a purported fact-check of Ann Coulter. For the record, I'm not a fan of Coulter. I haven't read […]

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October 8, 2013
Fact checking frauds

To say I'm disgusted by the media's so-called "fact-checkers" would be an understatement. Though they purport to hold themselves to some higher-standard for truthfulness than their "unbiased" colleagues, the truth is that they're just peddling the same crap product in a slightly different package. Over the past week, a couple of "fact checks" from Politifraud have […]

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