November 1, 2006
The troops respond

The troops cry out for help from Jon Carry! (via LGF)

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November 1, 2006
It just writes itself

I go to work and Sen. John Kerry continues his meltdown. The smart thing to do is to issue the following statement: In a lame attempt to make a joke at the president's expense I misspoke. I am sorry. I never intended to insult our troops in uniform serving in Iraq. I hope they will […]

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October 31, 2006
Hire more conservatives

Hugh Hewitt had ABC's political director on his show the other day and it was a very interesting interview. (You can find the transcript here. It was a three-hour interview, so it's long.) I read the transcript last night before going to bed and had a few thoughts. First, it was refreshing to hear Halperin […]

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October 31, 2006
John Kerry is an idiot

How else can you explain this stupidity: You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you dont, you get stuck in Iraq. And this guy thinks that he has […]

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October 31, 2006
Busy times

You'll have to forgive me for the less-than-typical number of postings. I've had to work some long days, split days off and I've just been tired lately. I am going to get back to addressing why I think Andrew Sullivan's "conservatism" is a "conservatism" embraced largely only by himself (and not really conservative at all) […]

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October 30, 2006
Carrying your own state

There's a reason why serious presidential hopefuls are often governors or senators -- you really have to demonstrate that you can carry your own state. Forget Florida in 2000, former Tennessee Sen. Al Gore wasn't able to carry his home state -- a seemingly trivial accomplishment that would've made Florida's ballot mess moot. Which brings […]

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October 30, 2006
If the parties had been reversed

Senate hopeful Harold Ford, Jr. of Tennessee hasn't been running the most deft of campaigns against Bob Corker. And the other night he stuck his foot in it again. My friend Lincoln Davis who chairs our campaign says there are, there’s one big difference between us and misfortunate Republicans when it comes to our faith: […]

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October 27, 2006
The border fence

Earlier this week President Bush signed the Secure Fence Act which would build 700 miles of fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. In response, Mexican President Vicente Fox said: It is an embarrassment for Mexico. The fact that our northern neighbor has to build a fence to try to keep our people out is a sign […]

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October 26, 2006
Jaw-droppingly good radio

Hugh Hewitt had Andrew Sullivan on his radio show yesterday. The transcript is incomplete, but you can listen to the interview in two parts here. (You'll need to scroll down a little bit, and listen to the 50-minute long part first.) Full disclosure: Shortly after 9/11, when Sullivan was still sane, he once referred to […]

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October 26, 2006
The Founders and Faith

Michael and Jana Novak have an interesting essay on the Founders and their religious faith over at National Review Online. It's an informative read, that unfortunately leaves you wanting more. I found the following tidbit rather amusing: As the greatest of all American historians, Gordon Wood, has been pointing out very forcefully in recent months, […]

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