January 8, 2007
Stem cells

Science may have come up with a solution to the embryonic stem cell debate that allows for the creation and use of pluripotent stem cells without the ethical baggage that comes along with the destruction of human life. That's the good news. The bad news is that the media is still not as careful with […]

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January 8, 2007
Line of the day

Comes to us from columnist Mark Steyn's latest column. As reported by the Journal, Mohamed Mimoun grabbed his sheep, took a number and realized he was in for a two-hour wait. Even worse, en route to the slaughterhouse, he was stopped by a cop and fined for having the sheep in the trunk of his […]

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January 8, 2007
Maintaining the facade

You can see video of NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell on Friday night's "The O'Reilly Factor" here. I watched the video on my DVR Saturday night and I must say that the two quotes highlighted by Mark Finkelstein over at Newsbusters doesn't really do the video justice. Mitchell on Chris Matthews: "I don't think he's a […]

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January 7, 2007
The effectiveness of public shaming

I wrote last week that the New York Times was guilty of journalistic malpractice. Behind-the-scenes efforts by anti-abortion advocates and even its own public editor, Byron Calame, failed to remind the paper's editors about those antiquated ideas of honesty and accuracy. However, the full light of public scorn that comes with an article in The […]

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January 6, 2007
Blogging slowdown

So, I haven't been writing as much because I've been catching up on some TV watching. A couple of people at work finally got me hooked on the TV show "Veronica Mars" and I've been making my way through the DVDs of the first two seasons before catching up on the current season. I should […]

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January 4, 2007
Jamil Hussein found?

There's word that Iraq's most wanted police captain may have been found -- no thanks to the Associated Press. Read all the details here. Now the real fact-checking can begin.

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January 4, 2007
Sometimes I wish I had some connections

So, for the past couple of months I've been getting these postcards in the mail from a company contracted by the Grossmont Union High School District asking for various information for the Granite Hills High School class of '90 graduate directory. Problem: I graduated from Helix High School. I finally got around to calling the […]

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January 4, 2007

LaDanian Tomlinson won the NFL's Most Valuable Player award today and we here at Hoystory congratulate him. Just one question: Who are the two brain-dead sportswriters who voted for Peyton Manning? Seriously, I can see an argument being made for voting for Saints QB Drew Brees with all that he has meant to that team, […]

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January 4, 2007
They're just better than you

Suzanne Magaziner, wife of Ira Magaziner who headed then-first lady Hillary Clinton's health care task force in the early '90s, had drunken driving charges against her dropped under "mysterious circumstances." A politically wired campaign fund-raiser with ties to Gov.-elect Deval Patrick and former President Clinton has been cleared of drunken driving charges, despite allegedly failing […]

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January 3, 2007
Habeas corpus

It's a little bit like having Paris Hilton call Lindsay Lohan a slut. The old schoolyard taunt of "it takes one to know one" comes to mind. Former CNN executive Eason Jordan -- last seen leaving that organization after alleging, without any evidence to back him up, that U.S. troops were targeting journalists in Iraq […]

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