May 21, 2015
Hell hath no fury

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned is a paraphrase of a line written by British playwright William Congreve. Columbia University graduate Emma Sulkowicz is Exhibit A for the 21st Century that Congreve continues to be right. Sulkowicz has made a name for herself carrying around a mattress at Columbia University, including at last […]

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May 19, 2015
Hillary Clinton and Sid Vicious

On Monday, after 40,150 minutes, Hillary Clinton finally deigned to answer some questions from the court scribes. The former Secretary of State laughably claimed that she wanted all of the emails from her private email account on her private server that she decided she wanted the public to see should be "out there" as soon […]

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May 19, 2015
Irony lost on Kayaktivists

There's a huge offshore drilling rig currently docked in Seattle, and another on its way, before making their way to their final home off the coast of Alaska. The greens in the Emerald City are outraged and have shown their outrage by attempting to block the rigs using kayaks. Of course, you know what most kayaks nowadays […]

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May 18, 2015
Dissent will not be allowed

There's a lot of Hillary Clinton corruption stories out today. Perhaps the biggest one is today's revelation that longtime Clinton confidante and hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal, banned from serving in government by President Obama, instead advised then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on foreign policy while on the payroll of the Clinton Family Foundation Slush […]

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May 14, 2015
The Clinton's Man at ABC

ABC News' chief anchor George Stephanopolous is not a journalist. He's a Democratic operative—never forget that. The Free Beacon reports that the former communications director for President Bill Clinton donated $50,000 to the Clinton foundation from 2013 to 2014. This comes just a few weeks after Stephanopolous aggressively grilled "Clinton Cash" author Peter Schweizer on […]

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May 13, 2015
Politicizing tragedy

At last count 7 people lost their lives last night as an Amtrak train derailed en route from Washington, D.C. to New York City. Before the bodies had even grown cold, their were utterly dishonest and predictable calls on the political left that it was the GOP's fault because they've cut funding from Amtrak over the […]

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May 11, 2015
What watchdog journalism looks like

Associated Press reporter Matt Lee questions Obama State Department flack about why they have "no intention" of examining whether the secret donations to the Clinton Foundation during Hillary Clinton's tenure affected government policy. Unsurprisingly, this is also what a cover-up looks like.

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May 9, 2015
Which economic policies help the lower class?

A former colleague of mine shared this Washington Post Wonkblog article on Facebook. Most of the article is unobjectionable. However, the part that is objectionable is very objectionable. The head and subhead: How growing up poor changes politicians Democrats from humble backgrounds more often vote for economic policies that help the lower class. For Republicans, upbringing doesn't matter. […]

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May 8, 2015
U-T San Diego Sold

NiemanLab has an article out on then-rumored (but now confirmed and  imminent) sale of my former employer, the U-T San Diego (formerly the San Diego Union-Tribune) to Tribune Publishing, the owner of the Los Angeles Times, among other papers. The majority of the article is your standard inside-baseball media story, but every time something like this happens you feel […]

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May 4, 2015
Please Excuse Our Dust

Hoystory was moved over to a new, quicker server over the weekend. Because sometimes it seems like the universe just hates me, the move did not go easily. The tool that the hosting service provides would not move the site over as-is. So way too much time was spent by yours truly using ancient hand-crafted […]

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