Canadian blues guitarist Jeff Healey died yesterday.
This one is a serious jaw-dropper. On a just-finished conference call in which retired military leaders endorsed Hillary Clinton to be commander in chief, retired General Wesley Clark said John McCain's military experience is not the right kind of experience to command the nation's armed forces: In the national security business, the question is, do […]
If you didn't watch CBS' "60 Minutes" Sunday night, then you might have missed the bombshell report by Scott Pelley making the case that Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham was framed and Clinton hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal was involved in the frame up. Of course, that's all wrong. CBS of "Rathergate" fame doesn't air thinly sourced […]
Sen. Barack Obama has a problem. Like his Democratic rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Obama has promised to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement after six months if it isn't renegotiated to his liking should he be elected president. The problem is that Obama has had his senior economic adviser, Austin Goolsbee, telling […]
Someone, please tell Speaker Nancy Pelosi to stop smashing her forehead against the wall separating the legislative branch from the executive. Pelosi said the two were unresponsive to Congress' inquiry, while the White House argues that contempt laws don't apply to the president or any of his staffers who invoke executive privilege. Mukasey, a Bush […]
Pollster Scott Rasmussen decided to do a little poll on how people think about The New York Times -- the results put the paper's favorablility ratings in the tank with those of President Bush. Just 24% of American voters have a favorable opinion of the New York Times. Forty-four percent (44%) have an unfavorable opinion […]
There were some dueling assessments of the economy yesterday as President Bush countered the claims by Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that the economy was a mess. The economy's certainly not as good as it was just a couple years ago, but it's also not in a recession (yet). Obama mocked a more optimistic […]
Michael Kinsley, no conservative he, has a hilarious "analysis" of The New York Times and its editors' defense of last week's McCain story. I have come under some criticism for my criticism of the New York Times for its criticism of Sen. John McCain. Many readers of last week's New York Times article about McCain, […]
There's no different between the two right now, and I've still got some work to do on the logos, but you can see the beginnings of the alternate stylesheet at the top of the sidebar. UPDATE After some poking around on the WordPress support forums I figured out what was happening with the unintentional stylesheet […]
Long story short, I owe Jay Rosen some fish tacos. Clark Hoyt's column takes New York Times editor Bill Keller to task -- as it should. It says something about how far over the line this is when even Hoyt, who has demonstrated a tendency to lash out at critics, thinks Keller is out of […]