July 9, 2009
Fun with James Goldsborough

Former Union-Tribune columnist James Goldsborough now writes occasionally for the non-profit VoiceofSanDiego.org, but his rhetoric and fact-checking abilities (or lack thereof) haven't changed. As U.S. combat troops finished their withdrawal from Iraqi cities last month, the U.S. war in Iraq began its endgame, reminding us of the endgame in Vietnam, which ended the war for […]

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July 9, 2009
Absolute moral depravity pt. 2

The Alternet article on the "abortion party" I referenced a couple of days ago has been picked up by some on the the "pro-choice" side who are getting the vapors (ohh! Sexist comment) that anyone could be so offended by the shindig. The Broadsheet, apparently a "The View"-type group blog on Salon.com (which doesn't drive […]

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July 8, 2009
Democrats then and now

How times have changed: John F. Kennedy: Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. Barack H. Obama: Now let me be clear: […]

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July 7, 2009
Absolute moral depravity

Via The Corner, comes this jaw-dropping story: "Have you guys heard the news?" Maggie (name changed) unwrapped the scarf from around her neck and patted her flat belly. "Preggers." It was around 30 degrees outside, and her cheeks were splashed pink from the Indiana wind. She had discovered earlier that week, after missing a period […]

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July 7, 2009
Democrats don't do coups right

I mean small "d" democrats when I say that. Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya continues to attempt to return to power despite widespread support for his ouster within that country. An old college friend of mine returned to the U.S. last weekend from doing missionary work in Honduras and his first Facebook comment was that […]

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July 6, 2009
A couple of notes on Palin

There's a lot of hubbub in the right blogosphere over soon-to-be-former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's resignation, what it says about her political past and what it means for her political future. If she's running for national office in 2012 or 2016, I don't think she's got much of a chance. There would've been nothing wrong […]

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July 5, 2009
Obama's nuclear nonsense

From the "If Bush had done it, the media and the left (but I repeat myself) would've gone ape" file: ABC News' Jake Tapper reports that the Obama administration will ignore that constitution-thing and implement a treaty without going to the senate for approval. Now, that's not really a fair characterization of what's going on. […]

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July 4, 2009
Willful fool

I think that's a little nicer than the Exurban League's characterization of retired Gen. Colin Powell's sudden realization that President Obama is a tax-and-spend liberal. Colin Powell, one of President Obama's most prominent Republican supporters, expressed concern Friday that the president's ambitious blitz of costly initiatives may be enlarging the size of government and the […]

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July 4, 2009
Happy July 4th

Today is the United States' Independence Day. This is ofttimes referred to as America's birthday. The "birth" occurred on July 4, 1776. Debate: Is this America's 233rd birthday or its 232nd?

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July 4, 2009
Big news Friday

The big news Friday afternoon was that there would be a lottery for Michael Jackson memorial tickets. On a serious note, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced that she would be resigning in a few weeks. The left wing fever swamps are convinced that this is a pre-emptive move because a big embezzlement scandal is coming […]

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