May 14, 2002

Like a public restroom, Paul "Line 47" Krugman seems to collect more than his fair share of excrement. In Tuesday's New York Times Krugman attacks...wait for it...President Bush for not coming out and decrying the decision by Stanley Works, a Connecticut tool company, to move its operations overseas. (Krugman does note that the company has […]

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May 13, 2002

Quick hit: Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American-Islamic Relations was challenged on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" to simply admit or deny the assertion that he would like to see Israel removed from the map. Hooper averred, preferring to ask for "justice" for all people in the area.

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May 13, 2002

Desperately in search of factoids department: I was watching a few minutes of CNN's "Crossfire" in between innings of the Padres/Expos game earlier this evening. The topic of discussion was former President Jimmy Carter's visit to Cuba. CNN was displaying various factoids across the bottom of the game ("Calvin Coolidge was the last U.S. president […]

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May 12, 2002

One more reason not to buy Chinese products: If China's persecution of Christians, the Falun Gong and democratic activists wasn't enough. The communist country is actually working people to death. Lying on her bed that night, staring at the bunk above her, the slight 19-year-old complained she felt worn out, her roommates recalled. She was […]

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May 12, 2002

Why the Crusader artillery piece is unnecessary: Sen. Don Nickles (R-Okla.) on Fox News Sunday lamely attempted to defend the continued existence of the Crusader. Nickles pointed out that the North Koreans reportedly have an artillery piece which is better than our current artillery piece, the Paladin. Brit Hume asked the key and insightful question: […]

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May 12, 2002

Wolf Blitzer has Hanan Ashrawi, a Palestinian legislator, on CNN's "Late Edition." I must admit that I'm sick and tired of hearing their lies go without a challenge. O'Reilly and Keyes don't let them spout their revisionist history without challenge, but CNN seems to think that's just presenting "the Palestinian perspective." Go ahead and let […]

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May 10, 2002

Former Enron hack Paul "Line 47" Krugman is at it again. Krugman gleefully goes into "I told you so" mode over the revelations earlier this week that Enron documents reveal that the bankrupt energy trader gamed the market to charge me higher prices for electricity. No one in California is really surprised by this fact. […]

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May 9, 2002

The American Prospect is taking nominations for the best liberal bloggers. I've always wanted to be part of such a list on such a highly-respected Web site. I've been trying for months to get Glenn Reynolds' Instapundit to put me on his list of "Recommended sites" without success. So TAP is an acceptable second choice. […]

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May 9, 2002

The Palestinian Authority's U.S. Representative, Hasan Abdel Rahman, is on CSPAN-2 right now speaking to the National Press Club. Seeing him in this forum, as opposed to being challenged by Bill O'Reilly or Alan Keyes, distresses me. He's fielding softball questions which refer to "Israeli spin." Rahman actually made the claim that Palestinians were a […]

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May 8, 2002

If you haven't read it yet, go check out screenwriter Daniel Gordon's account of his recent trip to the Jenin refugee camp. Are the "liberal" media reflexively anti-Israel? One reservist sensed (CNN reporter Sheila) MacVicar's hostility. He was a soft-spoken man who approached her and introduced himself as the reserve unit?s medical officer, Dr. David […]

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