March 1, 2005
The new banner

Nearly two months ago, in what appears now to be a fit of pique, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman made a promise to his readers. In the next few weeks, I'll explain why privatization will fatally undermine Social Security, and suggest steps to strengthen the program. Well, as the graphic indicates, Krugman has suggested […]

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February 9, 2005

I finally figured it out. Watching today's news report on President Bush's budget plan and the appearance on Capitol Hill of Treasury Secretary John Snow and White House budget director Josh Bolten before various congressional committees, I figured out why New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has not offered his promised plan to fix Social […]

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February 7, 2005
On Krugman

In his Jan. 4 column, New York Times columnist/economist Paul Krugman wrote this: In the next few weeks, I'll explain why privatization will fatally undermine Social Security, and suggest steps to strengthen the program. Since then, he has written 10 columns, and the only "steps to strengthen the program," that Krugman has suggested was later […]

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February 5, 2005
Don't you hate it when that happens?

Democrats have often invoked the sainted name of FDR whenever it seems most convenient. When President Bush, in the State of the Union address, proposed partial privatization of Social Security -- FDR's most enduring accomplishment (and a Ponzi scheme) -- the Democrats were quick to rally around a statue of their hero. But, there's a […]

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January 16, 2005
Hobgoblin, little minds

One of the more cynical definitions of "consistency" is that it is the hobgoblin of little minds and that the truly brilliant can hold innumerable, contradicting beliefs. Well, that sort of attitude may give solace to the elite, but it's unsatisfying and downright dangerous when you're trying to create public policy -- or save Social […]

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January 9, 2005
Maybe he should read the Times

Today's New York Times "Week in Review" section has a useful Q&A on the Social Security issue -- maybe Paul Krugman should read it. Q. People are throwing around doomsday years for Social Security. Is it really running out of money? A. Not any time soon. The system currently takes in far more in payroll […]

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January 5, 2005
For the record

Some have questioned whether I support President Bush's plan to partially privatize Social Security. The answer is: I don't know. I don't know what exactly Bush's plan is, because he has said that he doesn't want to "negotiate with himself." However, what really galls me (if it wasn't clear from this post) is anyone who […]

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January 4, 2005
He's baaaaaack

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has returned from his all-too-brief vacation to read a book with what promises to be a series of articles arguing that Social Security is not in trouble, and everything will be OK for 100+ years to come. Krugman's got some beauts in the column and a longer piece in […]

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December 21, 2004
Social (In)Security

You'll forgive me if I'm incredibly unimpressed by any claims that "growing the economy" can save a Ponzi scheme -- something that would get anyone other than the government a long time in the pokey. Leading the media ostrich charge is New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who took a break from his break to […]

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December 10, 2004
He's back!

New York Times hack Paul Krugman has come back from his work on a economics textbook (it is unclear whether he is writing one or reading one) to warn about the horrors of making any changes to Social Security. On Tuesday, Krugman denied that there even is a crisis looming for the program as Baby […]

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