August 14, 2005
Still no plan

The banner has once again been updated because, while New York Times columnist Paul Krugman decided to use his Monday column space to address Social Security, it was merely to defend the status quo. Don't believe your own knowledge or common sense, there's apparently nothing wrong with Social Security that a big tax increase won't […]

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July 26, 2005
Krugmanwatch coming to an end?

I'm skeptical that this Washington Post story on House Democrats' move to address retirement savings might eventually mean an alternative plan for fixing Social Security would be forthcoming. According to the article, Democrats continue to refuse to even discuss the issue until President Bush and the GOP vow to stop suggesting any form of voluntary […]

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June 23, 2005
Defenders of Social Security?:

That's what the Democrats like to portray themselves as, but it would definitely help their case if they'd actually pay the Social Security taxes for their employees.

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June 22, 2005
On Social Security

I just saw the most incredible bit of video on Fox News' "Special Report with Brit Hume." Democratic senators Chuck Schumer and Jeff Bingaman were holding a press conference stating that Democrats would continue to keep their heads buried in the sand regarding Social Security's funding crisis as long as President Bush holds the belief […]

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June 21, 2005
Finally admitting the truth

Jon Henke over at Q&O highlights some spin from the lefty "think" tank the Center for American Progress on the Social Security crisis. NEW PRIVATIZATION PLAN WOULD EXPLODE FEDERAL DEFICIT: The Wall Street Journal claims that the proposal (which it calls "political jujitsu") would "create no new debt for the government." That's not true. Right […]

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June 15, 2005
An old argument

Poor and Stupid's Don Luskin points to an article (which has unfortunately fallen behind a subscription-only wall) that suggests something rather obvious -- that without abortion, there would be more Americans alive to pay Social Security taxes. Look at the amount of Social Security taxes paid by the average taxpayer in 2004...and then multiply that […]

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June 10, 2005
Krugman strikes again

Still no Social Security plan, and I only have to go 1 sentence into Krugman's latest column to call it bolshevik storytelling. Baby boomers like me grew up in a relatively equal society. Says Krugman about late '40s, '50s and '60s -- as millions of blacks were fighting for their civil rights.

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June 6, 2005
A little housekeeping

Some of you may have noticed that the Krugman banners have changed ever so slightly -- I've added the Web address for this site to the banners. Why? Well, I found someone using the banner who wasn't linking back to this site, but instead to the original Krugman column. That I can deal with. But […]

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May 14, 2005
Honesty on Social Security

To counter Paul Krugman's dishonesty, the New York Times gives us John Tierney.

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May 13, 2005
Social insurance, safety net or pension plan?

I'm just not sure which one of those three things New York Times columnist Paul Krugman believes Social Security to be -- it changes at least once a week. Krugman's column in today's New York Times slams Wal-Mart for its low wages and laments the fact that Wal-Mart workers will depend heavily on Social Security. […]

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