June 16, 2008

Way back when the solvency of Social Security was more on the front burner of American political discussion, I criticized New York Times columnist Paul Krugman for changing his description of Social Security from one week to the next depending on political expediency. One week Social Security was a welfare program to help the poor, […]

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November 25, 2007
The conscienceless liberal

Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus -- no conservative she -- took on hack economist Paul Krugman last week over his repeated claims that the demographic train wreck facing Social Security does not exist. Marcus juxtaposed Krugman's concerns of years past with his dismissive and demogogic language of the present that anyone (Barack Obama particularly) saying […]

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September 5, 2007
What's not being said

Social Security is a government-run Ponzi scheme. It depends on an ever-increasing number of workers to pay the retirement benefits of an ever-increasing number retirees. Like a Ponzi scheme, it works at first, but then the math starts to work against it. We'll reach that point in 2017 or thereabouts, when the amount of money […]

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May 30, 2007
Ponzi scheme

I've complained for years that Social Security is nothing more than a government run Ponzi scheme. It depends on a demographic model that no longer exists -- one that has a dozen or so workers for each retiree. When a private individual or company does this sort of thing, they go to jail. When the […]

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September 3, 2006
The Pennsylvania Senate debate

I just got finished watching the Santorum/Casey debate on this morning's "Meet the Press" on NBC. Yes, I'm biased, but I think Santorum won this one in a rout. The part of the debate that really got my blood boiling was Casey's willful obfuscation on Social Security reform. Casey repeated the Paul Krugman/John Kerry lines […]

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August 30, 2006
Elect me! I'll ignore problems

The Senate race in Pennsylvania may be the first indication that a change is in store for American politics. Bob Casey Jr., the state's treasurer and son of one of the few prominent pro-life Democrats in recent decades, is running against conservative GOP firebrand Rick Santorum. When the race started, Casey held a comfortable lead […]

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February 25, 2006

I've been saying it for years, but the Washington Post finally confirms it! (via Vikingpundit)

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February 23, 2006
And the elephant in the room?

Today's New York Times lead editorial takes President Bush and Congress to task for failing to do something about a looming crisis with many private pension plans. Unfortunately, but naturally, the Times fails to offer a plan of its own. One is left wondering how best to fix the problem, and the Times is silent. […]

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November 17, 2005
Samuelson slams the AARP

For those of you who missed Robert J. Samuelson's Wednesday column in The Washington Post, you should check it out. Samuelson slams the AARP for defending the status quo when it comes to Social Security -- with good reason. This year AARP spent $25 million, mostly on TV and print ads, to defeat President Bush's […]

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August 16, 2005
What Powerline said

It really should come as no suprise that Paul Krugman is dishonest and misrepresents facts -- and John Hinderaker caught him at it. Go back and look at the 1934 Commission's table projecting the number and percentage of retirees through the year 2000. The Commission projected the percentage of those over 65 to level off […]

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