September 29, 2006
It's not about the troops

I was going to write about this yesterday, but I had to get up early this morning and then worked about a 12-hour day, so I want to get this down on paper before I hit the sack. During Thursday's Senate debate on the legislation setting up military commissions and the treatment of captured terrorists, […]

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September 27, 2006
Rights for everyone!

The Democrat Party has been big on "rights" for decades. The "right" to affordable healthcare. The "right" to a "living" wage. If you name it, and it's a good thing, then dangit, you have a "right" to have it. These "rights" are never limited to U.S. citizens, when Democrats speak of them, they are, at […]

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September 21, 2006
Is our children learning?

A letter to the editor in Wednesday's Union-Tribune raises the question: What are they teaching in our schools? Two speeches, two agendas In his political cartoon Sept. 13 Steve Breen apparently wanted to compare Lincoln's Gettysburg Address to President Bush's 9/11 speech. The difference is that Lincoln's speech was designed to bring the country together. […]

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September 20, 2006
More on interrogating terrorists

The Heritage Foundation's James Jay Carafano has a short primer on the current debate before Congress. For those who are interested, we also have a debate on a post down below on the same issue.

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September 19, 2006

You just can't make this stuff up. In a debate yesterday between GOP Sen. George Allen and Democrat Jim Webb in the race for one of Virginia's Senate seats, local television journalist Peggy Fox posed an insightful, intriguing, relevant question: Following the "macaca" episode, the Jewish press published stories that appeared on the Internet that […]

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September 17, 2006
More on Nadagate

I'm sure you're tired of it -- I know I am -- but former federal prosecutor Victoria Toensing had an excellent piece on "the Plame kerfuffle" in Friday's Wall Street Journal. Toensing takes ambassador Joseph Wilson, journalist David Corn, leaker Richard Armitage and prosecutor Peter Fitzgerald to the woodshed over the giant nothing which was […]

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September 14, 2006
York's hypothetical

I've often accused -- with good reason -- Democrats (Joe Lieberman excepted) of not being serious when it comes to terrorism and national security. The Democrats' recent "demand" on President Bush to: (1) transitioning the U.S. mission in Iraq to counter-terrorism, training, logistics and force protection; (2) beginning the phased redeployment of U.S. forces from […]

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September 14, 2006
What's wrong with politics

John Bolton has been doing an excellent job as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations for the past year-plus. Unfortunately, he has not been confirmed by the Senate and his recess appointment will expire at the end of the current Congress. I'm of the opinion that there are only two reasons to reject a president's […]

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September 12, 2006
Dim bulbs

Dixie Chick big mouth Natalie Maines calls President George W. Bush a "dumb F&%*" in a new documentary that will be incredibly popular in Canada and Europe, but not anywhere associated with "Dixie." I'll say it again: 99.4 percent of people who think President Bush is an idiot aren't nearly as smart as he is. […]

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September 6, 2006
I reject your reality and substitute my own

The headline was made famous by Adam Savage of the Discovery Channel's "Mythbusters" show after he was informed that one of his predictions for the outcome of an experiment was woefully inaccurate. The editors of the New York Times seem to have taken Savage's attitude to heart when it comes to the former ambassador Joseph […]

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