July 18, 2003
Now, this is kinda disappointing

Okay, so I finally get a mention in The Washington Post's media column written by Howard Kurtz (scroll down about 4/5 of the way) with regard to my New York Times is one-sided comment. But while Kurtz quotes Tapped's entire post, he makes no mention of my rebuttal. Kurtz also lets stand Tapped's claim that […]

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July 12, 2003

I was scanning Cox & Forkum's latest comic offerings when I came across this comic post and thought: Exactly!

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July 9, 2003
Speak of the devil

Yesterday one of my good friends sent me this link to a story about a man who got so frustrated by a telemarketer that he called up the company that the telemarketer was working for (Minnesota Auto Glass) -- more than 100 times over a two day period. So, how am I awakened this morning? […]

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July 3, 2003
So you say it's your birthday?

Well, it's my birthday too! Really, it is. This month my birthday miraculously coincides with the monthy banging-of-the-tip-jar (links are on the left). Well-known bloggers like Andrew Sullivan raise tens of thousands of dollars on occassions such as this -- and I set my sights much lower. If giving money isn't your thing, I've created […]

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June 30, 2003
Whistler's Mother

This weekend's Financial Times had an article on James McNeill Whistler and a show on the 100th anniversary of the artist's death. The story interested me because I enjoy Whistler's art and during high school I gave a presentation in my English class on Whistler. The reason I remember the presentation is because it was […]

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June 21, 2003
Explaining the hiatus

I haven't written much this past week -- at least not much for you to read here. I don't write too much about my personal life here, because, as I've written before -- I don't like to bore my readers. So, if all you're interested in is Krugman-fisking and political thoughts and analyses, then you […]

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May 19, 2003
My personal life

You don't hear a lot about it here, because I make it a point not to bore my readers, but there was a good article in Sunday's New York Times on bloggers who focus mainly on themselves -- not politics, not music, not movies -- but good ol' #1. In my early blogging days I […]

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May 10, 2003
I'm popular in Colorado

Thanks to Patrick Wahl for giving me a heads-up on this column in today's Rocky Mountain News. At first glance it appears to be a column about the state of journalism in Britain and its many left-wing, anti-American tabloids. But, further down in the story, we find this paragraph: The most left-wing of the broadsheets […]

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April 30, 2003
Telemarketers are EVIL

When I first canceled my landline telephone service a couple of years ago it was prompted by a couple of reasons: First, long-distance telephone calls, including to my parents (those were actually local-toll calls) were free with my cell phone; Second, I never really spent a lot of time talking on the phone. The only […]

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April 14, 2003
Nearly there

Blogging should reach pre-move levels late this week. All boxes are officially unpacked and there's just one good day's worth of home-improvement work to be done before I sit back and declare it: "Good enough."

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