Lt. Smash offers some.
The Boston Globe, owned by the New York Times Co., were handed a story with photos yesterday that should have rang alarm bells for any skeptical journalist who is aware of what is going on in the world. A Boston city councilor presented the Globe with photos alleged to show U.S. soldiers raping Iraqi women. […]
I'm watching NBC's "Meet the Press" and about five minutes in I think I've watched all I can of it. One of the panelists there to talk about the abuses in the Abu Ghraib prison in former Democrat presidential hopeful and retired Gen. Wesley Clark. If there's any question whether or not Clark is a […]
He's avoided using the term recently, but Sen. John Kerry took to calling U.S. allies in Iraq part of a "fraudulent coalition." He never defined what a "genuine coalition" would look like, though one might assume it would be required to include France, Germany and Belgium. Despite Kerry and his Democrat allies' disdain for them, […]
Word is that tomorrow is going to be a very bad day for Sen. John F. Kerry's presidential campaign. Hundreds of former commanders and military colleagues of presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry are set to declare in a signed letter that he is "unfit to be commander-in-chief." They will do so at a press conference […]
Along the same lines of my post earlier this week regarding the news media and the images of the dead returning in their coffins, is this cartoon by Jeff Danziger.
It's just not a good idea to walk around toting a rocket-propelled grenade in Fallujah, even if you think no one's watching, because some Marine snipers just might be looking at you. In the past three weeks, two sniper teams attached to the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment have shot down 90 people who have […]
Last week the Web site The Memory Hole posted hundreds of photos of fallen soldiers in their coffins returning to Dover AFB. (Included in the photos were those of the fallen astronauts, mistakenly published by some newspapers.) Many newspapers ran the photos not because it was news that fallen soldiers were coming home, but because […]