November 5, 2004
A variety of views

The New York Times op-ed page editor has written that pieces they consider for the page represent a variety of views. Well, today's paper reveals that to be the farce that it is. In addition to a couple of whiny columns by Paul Krugman and Bob Herbert, we have two other pieces. One entitled "Why […]

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November 5, 2004
Election fallout continues

You can count the number of conservatives in a newsroom of several hundred people on your fingers -- with no need to borrow those of a friend. Last night I was asking an editor about the length of a story she was editing and she was really excited to show me something that one of […]

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November 4, 2004
Revisionist History

During the campaign, Sen. John Kerry invoked former President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy as a model that he would attempt to emulate as commander-in-chief. This was a laughable assertion because Kerry spent much of his Senate career opposing the Reagan defense build-up and Reagan's support of anti-communist rebels in Latin America. Over at The Wall […]

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November 4, 2004
Conservatives in the "old media"

John Hinderaker, who blogged for NBC on election night, recounts an encounter with an assistant producer: Early in the day, a very young woman who was working as an assistant producer leaned over to me and whispered, "Are you the conservative?" I said Yes. "Don't tell anyone," she whispered, "but I'm on your side." I […]

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November 3, 2004
Media report card

The night started out really well for the TV networks. Unlike in previous years (read 2000), when one network called a state, the others were in no rush to follow. For example, CNN called California for Kerry almost immediately after the polls closed, but took its time to give Kerry Washington State. Fox, on the […]

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November 3, 2004
Bush wins!

The networks are loath to call enough states for President Bush to be declared the victor, but I will. Bush wins Nevada, Ohio and New Mexico (and very likely Iowa). Those of you who are still up at this ridiculous hour can now go to bed.

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November 2, 2004
Partisan hack

Just checked out CNN's election blog and there's a posting by Crossfire host/Kerry adviser Paul Begala regarding Florida: How on God's Earth do we not have absentee ballots counted in Florida? Jeb Bush and Glenda Hood -- the Republican secretary of state playing the part of Katherine Harris -- are making the state look like […]

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November 2, 2004
Cautious networks?

I'm watching ABC News' coverage here in the newsroom -- calm before the storm here until California's polls close -- and ABC hasn't called Montana for Bush. Montana is a solid Bush state and I understand news executives being cautious, but as soon as the polls closed at 7 p.m. PST, the AP sent out […]

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November 2, 2004
Exit polls, etc.

I've been reading Drudge, National Review, Instapundit and all sorts of other blogs and news sites for the past couple of hours -- along with flipping from news channel to news channel. Frankly I'm sick of it. Exit polls are meaningless and often inaccurate. As the returns start to come in tonight I would hope […]

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October 30, 2004
Hit refresh

I mean it. Right now. Hit the "refresh" button on your browser. You did it? Good. You are now two separate people. I'm not talking schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder here. I mean, you're really two separate people. Like the feeling? Hit refresh again. Now you're three separate people -- at least the way The […]

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