February 21, 2003
Jesse Jackson -- Friend to tyrants

The Jerusalem Post has a first-person article [free registration required] by Iraqi dissident Amir Taheri about his experiences at last week's "spontaneous" anti-war protest in London. We managed to reach some of the stars of the show, including Reverend Jesse Jackson, the self-styled champion of American civil rights. One of our group, Salima Kazim, an […]

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February 21, 2003
Is it a requirement?

At the New York Times it appears that you can never have a completely positive column on anything the Bush administration does. Today's column by Nicholas Kristof is a "What I did on my President's Day Weekend" essay desperately in search of a news hook. Kristof got to drive one of GM's prototypes -- a […]

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February 20, 2003
Worth watching

If you've got a broadband connection to the Internet, these interviews of some anti-war protesters are very enlightening.

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February 18, 2003
I'm right -- again

Some opponents of war with Iraq (see below) have suggested that the more enlightened people of Europe -- especially France and Germany -- are correct in wanting to contain Saddam, rather than follow Resolution 1441 (which they supported) and disarming him. The reasoning for the disconnect between the U.S. and "old Europe" is that the […]

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February 17, 2003
Does an advanced degree in economics make you a good media critic?

No. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman reveals to the benighted readers of The New York Times that the American media is less critical of war in Iraq than those in Europe. Yeah, well that's like saying that Dianne Feinstein is less liberal than Barbara Boxer. It's true -- but it's not a "Great Divide." […]

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February 14, 2003
The media is pressing for war?

I've heard many liberal commentators say things along those lines -- that the U.S. government is not proving its case and the "conservative" media (aka the "mainstream media") is not performing its watchdog role. Well, I was just in the grocery store and I think they're right. The cover of this week's Weekly World News, […]

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February 14, 2003
Ummm...but that's irrelevant

Some senile senior Democrats are accusing the Central Intellegence Agency of sabotaging the inspections and hiding weapons details with regard to Iraq. Excuse me, but according to U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441, Saddam Hussein is supposed to reveal all of this stuff to the U.N. -- there is nowhere in 1441 a requirement that the […]

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February 13, 2003
Nothing new under the sun

That is, unless you're a New York Times columnist who apparently awakened from a long sleep during the Clinton administration. Nicholas Kristof, fresh off the turnip truck, suggests that the Bush administration's warning to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein that any use of weapons of mass destruction (biological, chemical or even nuclear), would open him up […]

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February 11, 2003
More on Michigan Sen. Carl Levin

Levin made an interesting claim on Fox News Sunday -- he told Brit Hume that then head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell had privately urged Levin and other senators to oppose the Gulf War resolution and give inspections more time to work. (I had an earlier post on Levin's performance here.) Well, […]

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February 11, 2003
Stick to economics

The New York Times' Paul Krugman tries his hand at foreign policy analysis and demonstrates that his cynicism, condescension and arrogance are still finely-tuned to find fault with anything relating to the Bush administration. Some people have commented that I have this unreasoning hatred of Krugman, and that my "hostility goes over the top." The […]

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