December 7, 2003
Turkey in Baghdad

The Weekly Standard has a good roundup of various news on President Bush's Thanksgiving visit to Baghdad, including an account of the trip by one of the soldiers who was there. The magazine also makes mention of last week's "scoop" by the Washington Post that the turkey and fixings that Bush held in that infamous […]

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December 2, 2003
Left-wing "intelligence" failures

Eugene Volokh has a succinct roundup of some pretty hilarious anti-Bush stupidity. As readers doubtless recall, writer Wayne Madsen wrote a column on the left-wing counterpunch site that began by roundly ridiculing President Bush for showing up for Thanksgiving dinner with the troops at 6 a.m. Eastern time. "I would have thought most of the […]

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December 1, 2003
Search for a new term

Was listening to Ollie North on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" and he referred to "Saddamites." That threw me for a second, because I first interpreted it as "Sodomites." Call them Saddamists or something.

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November 28, 2003
Baghdad visit fallout

It didn't take long for those on the left end of the political spectrum to come completely unhinged after President Bush's surprise visit to the troops in Baghdad yesterday. Some of it is the predictable whining that this was a political stunt. [While it may benefit Bush politically, the real reason Bush did this was […]

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November 28, 2003
Raising morale

President Bush snuck off to Iraq yesterday to eat Thanksgiving dinner with the troops at the Baghdad International Airport. Read his speech here.

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November 27, 2003
The perfidious French

The embed program in Iraq is still going on, even though major combat operations have ended. French weekly Paris Match recently had a photographer and a reporter embedded with Baathist insurgents as they attacked a DHL cargo plane. He said Sessini and a special correspondent sent to Iraq, Claudine Verniez-Palliez, had been with the group […]

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November 24, 2003

I'm watching a recording of Sunday's "Meet the Press." Host Tim Russert, who usually is a pretty solid interviewer has just asked Sen. Tom Daschle (D-N.D.) that if we are unable to convince the French on the U.N. Security Council and the French and Germans in NATO to lend more support in the form of […]

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November 19, 2003
Patriot, hero

The U.S. Army is prosecuting Lt. Col. Allen B. West for threatening to shoot an Iraqi policeman who was conspiring with insurgents to ambush U.S. troops. The smart thing for the Army to do in this case, is to put a letter in his file, let him ride a desk for a couple of weeks […]

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November 19, 2003
Iraq and Al Qaeda III

Stephen Hayes defends his piece and wonders if the writer of the Defense Department's press release ever read his piece of the memo it is based upon. *UPDATE* Citizen Smash also thinks that the case is strong.

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November 18, 2003
Al Qaeda and Iraq II

In response to The Weekly Standard's piece by Stephen F. Hayes regarding the connections between the Al Qaeda terrorist organization and Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Shortly after Hayes' piece was published on the Web, the Department of Defense came out with a press release which, to appropriate a statement from The Washington Post's Ben Bradlee, amounts […]

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