October 9, 2004
Quick thoughts on the debate

I heard most of the debate on the newsroom TVs as I was working on Saturday's paper. Overall, I thought President Bush did a much better job than last time. I think he's much more comfortable when he can interact with people, instead of just a TV camera. One thing that struck me about the […]

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October 8, 2004
Blame America First

John Kerry's advisors -- Joe Lockhart and Mike McCurry -- are on Fox News' "Big Story" program and uttered the following absolutely outrageous and incredible statement. John Gibson: Mike, Joe, as long as you're looking through those rose-colored glasses, what does the U.N. look like? The coalition of the bribed. You've got Saddam Hussein over […]

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October 8, 2004
Bremer writes

Former U.S. administrator for Iraq, L. Paul Bremer has an op-ed piece in today's New York Times complaining about the media's mischaracterization of what he has said. Doesn't Bremer know better than to try and correct the media when they're attempting to make a point about Bush's incompetence?

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October 7, 2004
Voting in Iraq

Following the news media creed that no good news may come out of Iraq, Nancy A. Youssef reports that a survey of Iraqis shows that some aren't interested in voting. BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqi voters are losing interest in elections scheduled for January, and not because they're worried about security. Instead, potential voters said they […]

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October 1, 2004
TiVo-blogging the debate

Watching the debate several hours after it actually occurs is a great advantage -- I can copy and paste what I want from a transcript, rather then pausing and typing it myself. The big problem with this debate format is that the moderator really can't challenge the answers of either candidate, and with the rule […]

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September 30, 2004
Iraq and the war on terrorism

The San Diego Union-Tribune reports today that an Iraqi arrested in Iraq had on him a computer disk containing a report on crisis planning for U.S. school districts -- including San Diego Unified. The man was described as an Iraqi national with connections to terrorism and the insurgency that is fighting U.S. forces in Iraq. […]

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September 28, 2004
Violence in Iraq

For those of you who are visual learners, this site has some graphics showing where the dangerous parts of Iraq are. Contentions made by President Bush, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and Iraqi PM Ayad Allawi that elections could be held in most of the Iraqi provinces tomorrow are backed up by the graphic. Don't expect the […]

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September 27, 2004
Sunday morning moment of the week

I must confess that I'd abandoned watching "This Week" shortly after they changed the format and got rid of the roundtable segment. The only realy reason I tuned in most Sundays was to hear what George Will had to say. I don't know if the roundtable segment is back as a permanent feature, but they […]

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September 26, 2004
A valiant attempt

Democrat Sen. Joe Biden -- a John Kerry supporter -- went on "Fox News Sunday" this morning and made an admirable attempt to defend one of Kerry's more outrageous flip-flops. Host Chris Wallace played two videos of dueling John Kerrys: (Caption: Monday) Sen. John Kerry: The satisfaction that we take in his [Saddam Hussein] downfall […]

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September 26, 2004
Today's must-read article

A colleague of mine, Union-Tribune photographer Earnie Grafton wrote an essay for today's paper remembering Marine PFC Nachez Washalanta II. Grafton was embedded with the Marines as they invaded Iraq last year, and Washalanta was the driver of the light armored vehicle in which Grafton rode. Washalanta died last month when the Humvee he was […]

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