June 7, 2010
Your public schools

A bunch of high school students from one of the local public schools got together and wrote a letter to the editor of the San Luis Obispo Tribune. After reading the missive, one wonders what they’re teaching young people today. We are writing to protest the law that targets illegal immigrants in Arizona. Amnesty International […]

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May 20, 2010
At your own risk

The head of Immigrations and Customs (Non)Enforcement, John Morton announced a crackdown on illegal immigrants … in Illinois. On the Arizona law, Morton had the following to say: Echoing comments by President Barack Obama and others in the administration, Morton said that Arizona's new law targeting illegal immigration is not "good government." The law makes […]

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May 19, 2010
Whose safety is more important?

Today, two big hypocrites held a joint press conference at the White House. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon took the opportunity to come together in a spirit of anti-Americanism to blast Arizona’s new immigration law. We don’t need to go into the fact that Mexico treats illegal immigrants in its country far […]

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May 17, 2010
Oh, the hilarity!

There are a wide variety of non-partisan elected offices in this country. For the most part, these offices are ones that don’t make laws, but institute policy, e.g. school boards, water and sewer districts, sheriffs, county clerks, etc. Generally, officials serving on these boards get in trouble when they decide to dabble in areas that […]

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May 14, 2010
Legal malpractice

I must confess that I’ve been outraged by the Obamacare law, but I haven’t read it. It’s well over 2,000 pages and I have something roughly resembling a life, so I haven’t read it and I don’t plan on reading it. The controversial Arizona immigration law is 19 pages long and I have read the […]

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May 1, 2010
She’s probably not a “real” latina

This would be a much better country if all citizens – both natural and naturalized – were as conscientious and involved as Gabriella Saucedo.

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April 29, 2010
The violence of crowds

I don’t know how many of you saw this video from the protests against the anti-illegal immigration law that Arizona passed last week, but I encourage you to take a look. (videos via Flopping Aces)   Here’s the scene from overhead: The video shows police escorting a lone anti-illegal immigration protester away from the crowd […]

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April 29, 2010
That was easier than I thought

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed a law last week that made what was already a federal crime – being in the country illegally – into a state crime (usually it’s the other way around). Today we get this story from the AP: Illegal Immigrants Leaving Arizona Over New Law If that was all it took, […]

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September 6, 2007
Boat people?

There may be nothing more to it than an especially industrious group of illegal immigrants from Mexico, but some of the details -- and the timing -- give this story a more ominous cast. SAN DIEGO – A boat that may have been used to smuggle people into the United States washed ashore in La […]

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August 24, 2007
She sounds French

When I saw this report, the first thought was: "DeGaulle of that woman!" Elvira Arellano was kicked out of the United States last week after she entered the country illegally -- twice -- and defied a deportation order for years. The United States is the one who broke the law first. By letting people cross […]

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