January 7, 2003
Point for Ponnuru

In a post on National Review Online's group blog, "The Corner," Ramesh Ponnuru has a little advice for the Democratic party on a talking point they may want to discard. Rep. Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat, is attacking the president�s plan thus: �We stimulate the job market. The president�s plan stimulates the stock market.� Is […]

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December 10, 2002
I watched Al Gore on ABC's "This Week"...

And I'm becoming convinced that he will find it very difficult to win the Democratic nomination, let alone the presidency, should he choose to run for President again. He still came across as arrogant and professorial -- something that hurt him in the debates and the last election. George Stephanopoulos did an solid job questioning […]

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December 3, 2002
Having it both ways

Sen. John Kerry (Super-D - Mass.) kicks off his campaign for his party's 2004 presidential nomination by taking aim at the Bush tax cut. "The largest cost of the Bush tax giveaway will not be borne by any of us here today -- it will be paid for by our children. We're borrowing from Social […]

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December 2, 2002
And this guy was Clinton's economic adviser?

Gene Sperling had on op-ed piece in Sunday's Washington Post offering an alternative to the Bush Tax cut that Democrats would probably be well-advised to adopt. Democrats taking any position is a good thing in a democracy. But I do have to take issue with one of Sperling's statements as either: A) a scare the […]

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December 1, 2002
Free speech, history and the courts

If you haven't read it, check out George Will's latest column on the Incumbent Protection Act, aka McCain-Feingold. Will points out that the purpose of McCain-Feingold, in the very words of its supporters, was to prevent negative ads run against them -- not to prevent the appearance of corruption. The NRA was one of the […]

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November 26, 2002
Another one bites the dust

It's not Kenny-boy Lay, so it won't please a certian person I know, but you've got another former Enron executive pleading guilty.

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November 26, 2002
More on New Source Review

Count on The Wall Street Journal to publish a commonsense article on the entire issue. My carburetor analogy in the article below turns out to be amazingly apropos. In one famous case, DTE Energy Corp., parent of Detroit Edison Co., tried to replace older, less efficient propeller blades in several steam turbines at its biggest […]

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November 18, 2002
Why couldn't he take a longer vacation?

The New York Times' columnist Paul Krugman has returned from a week off, and once again sees pure evil and villany in everything the Bush administration does. In Tuesday's column, Krugman takes to task Bush's plan to privatize some of the government bureaucracy. Now, I don't feel strongly about this plan one way or another. […]

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November 14, 2002
So selfish that it kills

The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof had an op-ed piece in yesterday's paper making an argument for paying people to donate their organs. There is an unecessary shortfall when it comes to organ donation in this country -- and its almost criminal. I have no doubt that there are many people who decline to donate […]

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October 20, 2002
Bush to promote generic drugs

According to The Washington Post Bush is going to direct the Food and Drug Administration to issue rules allowing for quicker approval of generic drugs. Democrats, however, are skeptical. As word -- but not the details -- of the White House plan began to filter out last night, the association representing generic drug manufacturers said […]

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