March 28, 2008
The investor class

One of the most prominent cultural shifts that has occurred in the past 50 years has been the increase in job mobility and the decrease in company-sponsored retirement programs. More people today move from job to job every few years. The era of getting a manufacturing job straight out of high school, working at it […]

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February 29, 2008
Obama's economics

There were some dueling assessments of the economy yesterday as President Bush countered the claims by Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that the economy was a mess. The economy's certainly not as good as it was just a couple years ago, but it's also not in a recession (yet). Obama mocked a more optimistic […]

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January 24, 2008
Don't buy what Krugman's selling

Tom Firey over at the Cato Institute took a look at Paul Krugman's Monday column and compared Krugman's so-called "factual" statements with the actual facts. Krugman doesn't come out looking good on several counts. First, in what appears to be the norm for employees of The New York Times, Krugman addresses Reagan-era economic policies without […]

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January 23, 2008
Stimulus package

I generally don't turn down free money. But if the government really didn't need my $800, then it shouldn't have taken it in the first place. I'd also feel better about a rebate check if President Bush demonstrated some intestinal fortitude and declined to fund a bunch of congressional earmarks. A couple of related, but […]

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August 8, 2007
I thought unions were supposed to improve wages

This is supposed to be a feel-good story, but there's a big question that goes without much notice. A homeless Miami man who hadn't spoken to his family in nearly two decades was found Friday, after his family made public their effort to track him down and present him with a $50,000 inheritance. Randy Chapman, […]

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April 8, 2007
You can stop at the summary

From the Sunday New York Times editorial on the terror of global warming. Hot and Cold The world’s scientists are telling us with increasing confidence that the costs of doing nothing to regulate greenhouse gas emissions will be far greater than the costs of acting now. These scientists aren't qualified to make that judgement. That […]

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March 1, 2007
Getting that Hillary Clinton vibe

Sen. Hillary Clinton has gotten caught sounding like a socialist/communist, most recently she told an audience that if elected president she would "take" the oil companies' profits and use them to fund alternative sources of energy. Not "tax" them, "take" them. California, under the leadership of a bunch of legislators with too much time and […]

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January 28, 2007
Laffer wha?

If the editorial writers at the New York Times have heard of the Laffer Curve, then it's obvious they want to forget it. In a typically lame editorial today, the Times encourages Congress to let the Bush tax cuts expire in order to bring the economy to a screeching halt erase the budget deficit. Oh, […]

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December 26, 2006
Jesus of Nazareth, Marxist

For the past decade it's become a trite saying: What Would Jesus Do? Christians of all stripes have had bracelets or necklaces or other adornments with the "W.W.J.D.?" on them. Unfortunately, for too many people, Jesus' position on any given issue just happens to coincide with what the bracelet's wearer would like to do. This […]

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December 21, 2006
Jobs Americans won't do

I'm sure you're familiar with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement sweep last week that netted more than 1,000 illegal immigrants working at Swift & Co. meat-processing plants last week. Well, apparently those jobs weren't among the ones Americans won't do -- people (most of them apparently legal residents) were lined up out the door to […]

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