March 24, 2009
Culture of corruption

Today's guilty party is Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif. -- or is it Maryland? California's Rep. Pete Stark, a senior House Democrat who helps write the nation's tax laws, has been claiming a $1.7 million Maryland home as his principal residence in recent years, although he represents the Golden State's 13th District on the east side […]

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March 23, 2009
If George W. Bush had done it...

It appears President Barack Obama's teleprompter needs to spell everything out phonetically. All terrific press for Orion, except that Obama kept pronouncing the company’s name wrong, calling it OAR-ee-on. After finishing his remarks and talking with a few people, the president returned to the microphone and said his prepared remarks led him to pronounce the […]

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March 23, 2009
Democratic stupidity

In the rush to pass the stimulus bill, no one noticed that some Democrats had added a sop to the Teamsters Union -- a pilot program allowing 98 (98!) Mexican trucks into the U.S. as part of NAFTA was shut down. As the Wall Street Journal noted, the Mexican trucks in the program actually had […]

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March 22, 2009
Our foolish president

President Obama, fresh from solving the economic crisis facing our nation and an appearance on the Jay Leno show, had this to say about former Vice President Dick Cheney's comment that Obama's policies are making Americans less safe. Commenting on former Vice President Dick Cheney's recent assertion that the closure of Guantanamo will make America […]

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March 19, 2009
Democrats and judges

We've known this for more than two decades -- and it's been an issue ever since the court started thinking it was its duty to find penumbras in the constitution -- the American Bar Association is biased against conservative judicial nominees. The findings: • Nominees appointed by Democratic presidents are more likely to receive higher […]

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March 18, 2009
What could possibly go wrong?

Unbelievable. Attorney General Eric Holder said some detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, may end up being released in the U.S. as the Obama administration works with foreign allies to resettle some of the prisoners. Holder, in a briefing with reporters, said administration officials are still reviewing individual cases of the approximately 250 detainees […]

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March 17, 2009

In his ever-expanding effort to find ways to fund his liberal programs, President Barack Obama is considering an incredibly stupid and morally bankrupt proposal. Veterans groups are angry after President Obama told them Monday that he is still considering a proposal to have treatment for service-connected injuries charged to veterans private insurance plans. President Obama, […]

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March 17, 2009
Just like John McCain, minus the honesty Pt. 2

Yesterday, White House spokesman Robert "I'm just like that Iraqi spokesman who lied during the Iraq War" Gibbs held forth on why John McCain was wrong to say the fundamentals of our economy are "strong," but the head of President Obama's council of economic advisers is right to say the fundamentals of our economy are […]

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March 17, 2009
If I knew then...

Victor Davis Hanson's latest column asks a simple question: Would Obama won the November election if he'd told the American people he'd be doing what he's doing now? Imagine that last fall before being elected, Barack Obama had outlined the positions he has embraced since being inaugurated as president. An honest campaign speech could have […]

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March 15, 2009
Just like John McCain, minus the honesty

Over the past couple of days, President Barack Obama and his administration have come to embrace some positions GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain made just a few months ago. These positions, predictably, are ones candidate Obama and his team distorted and assailed McCain for taking. First was McCain's oft-derided statement that the fundamentals of […]

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