April 30, 2009
Is the luster coming off?

Earlier this month I noted that the Associated Press' "Fact Check" feature was more critical of President Barack Obama than Politifact.com's when it came to whether or not the increased cigarette tax violated Obama's pledge not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000. On Obama's 100th day, the AP came out with another […]

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April 28, 2009
Billions wasted

President George W. Bush's last mistake as he left the White House was his decision to use TARP funds -- under what authority no one knows -- to keep GM and Chrysler afloat until the Obama administration could come in and decide what to do. It appears as though the Obama administration is going to […]

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April 28, 2009
Specter's switch

Earlier today Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter decided to join the Democratic party. The standard joke appears to be: "So what's new?" Specter has been increasingly at odds with rank-and-file Republicans -- especially where it matters -- in his home state. Numerous polls showed Specter upwards of 20 points down in a GOP primary matchup against […]

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April 27, 2009
Disproving the 9/11 conspiracy theories

The same government that did this, could never achieve what the conspiracy nuts claim they did on 9/11/01. Workers and residents evacuated themselves from several downtown Manhattan buildings Monday morning after a low-flying Boeing 747 was spotted above the city's skyline. The aircraft was a White House plane taking part in a government-sanctioned photo shoot, […]

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April 25, 2009
Items of note

UPDATE! This post has been updated! First off, Norah O'Donnell is a moron. Evidence: Second, the Democratic machine in Washington State successfully stole the 2004 gubernatorial election there from Republican Dino Rossi. The state has settled intrepid blogger/citizen Stefan Sharkansky's public records lawsuit for $250,000. The lawsuit stemmed from my December 2004 request for a […]

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April 25, 2009
Bill Schneider's presidential kneepads

CNN's Bill Schneider suggests that Barack Obama is the "superpresident." He comes to this conclusion after noting: According to Gallup polling examining past presidents' job approval, that's similar to where the last six elected presidents stood after 100 days. Only Ronald Reagan got a slightly higher rating (67 percent). Bill Clinton and the first President […]

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April 24, 2009
That didn't last long

I've only seen it reported openly on Fox News and in passing at Politico.com, but it appears that the "tax cut for 95 percent of Americans" will last all of two years before it dies. To tighten future deficits, the deal requires Obama to accept reductions from his domestic spending plans and forego favorite tax […]

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April 23, 2009
For the record

UPDATE! This post has been updated. I think she's lying. Pelosi: I didn't know about waterboarding I'm sorry, its just not credible to attempt to make the distinction between knowing that they had legal memos saying they could waterboard and use other enhanced interrogation techniques, but they hadn't decided on using them yet. I've read […]

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April 22, 2009
Pot, meet kettle

Headline: Clinton: Cheney Not a Reliable Source Do any of these ring a bell? Rose Law Firm billing records Cattle futures White House Travel Office

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April 20, 2009
Austan Goolsbee's bad math

White House financial guru Austan Goolsbee just got off Fox News' "Your World with Neil Cavuto" with a whopper that he should've been challenged on. Goolsbee claimed that Republicans have no right to complain about President Barack Obama's historic deficit levels because they supported "multi-trillion dollar unnecessary wars." I'm not sure about his use of […]

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