June 30, 2009
Honduras again

Ex-president Manuel Zelaya of Honduras appeared at the United Nations and got the approval of that undemocratic cabal to return to power. Getting removed from power has apparently given Zelaya a new respect for the law. Zelaya — whose elected term ends in January 2010 — had defied the Supreme Court and called a referendum […]

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June 30, 2009
Reading Ricci

I spent quite some time last night reading the Supreme Court's decision in Ricci v. DeStefano. [PDF format] As a white male, I'm confident that the decision reached by the court majority is the right one. On a more serious note, after reading the facts of the case as recited in the opinion, it's obvious […]

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June 29, 2009
More on Honduras

President Obama again today reiterated his belief that the ouster of Honduran President Zelaya was illegal. Embedded video from CNN Video Following Obama's logic, apparently once you've been elected, there's no possible legal way to be removed from office prior to the end of your term. President Nixon is probably kicking himself as he rolls […]

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June 27, 2009
Lunatics running the asylum

The House yesterday passed the cap-and-tax bill -- a bit of insanity that should get most Democrats representing Middle America run out on a rail in 2010. What's most troubling about yesterday's move was that the cap-and-trade bill didn't really exist as such when it was "passed" yesterday. Instead of a bill, the House passed […]

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June 26, 2009
He's better than you

It's a perennial problem with politicians -- they have one set of rules for the people they govern and another for themselves. This fact was one of the reasons the "contract with America" back in 1994 was so popular. Republicans vowed to no longer exempt Congress from the rules they passed for the rest of […]

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June 25, 2009
Mark Sanford's stupidity

After yesterday's cringe-inducing press conference where South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, a Republican, confessed to having flown to Argentina to have an affair with a woman, it's clear that his political career is over. Sanford won't be running for president in 2012 as some had suggested. He won't be running for re-election either. He may […]

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June 24, 2009
Inspector General updates

The Wall Street Journal has an editorial calling on President Obama to either respect the law regarding inspector generals or get rid of the office altogether. Byron York has some more on the Gerald Walpin firing. It appears the bipartisan backing for his sacking was due to the fact that both sides didn't want Walpin […]

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June 23, 2009
Obama is the best president ever!

And my position on that is entirely consistent.

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June 23, 2009
Weenie diplomacy

Another bit that came out of today's press conference was President Obama's refusal to rescind invitations to Iran's diplomats across the globe to July 4 celebrations at U.S. embassies -- aptly described as "weenie diplomacy." All of this, of course, raises a major issue: Are the hot dogs real, American-style hot dogs which are typically […]

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June 23, 2009
Obama and the public plan

Being unemployed means more normal-human "working" hours and the opportunity to see President Barack Obama's morning news conference -- the first one that hasn't cost the major networks millions of dollars in lost advertising revenue. President Obama just defended the so-called public plan from criticism that it would drive private insurance companies out of business […]

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