April 3, 2009

The usual media formulation for the abortion issue isn't "pro-choice" vs. "pro-life," it's "abortion rights supporters" and "abortion opponents." Note the subtle nuance there. It's "abortion rights supporters," not "abortion supporters," because as we're often reminded: No one is pro-abortion, and I respect that people of good faith will disagree on this issue. I strongly […]

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March 26, 2009
Obama's not much of a wrestler

President Barack Obama's game of choice is basketball. He's not much of a wrestler -- especially when it comes to "wrestling" with ethics questions, as Yuval Levin noted: In tonight's press conference, Jon Ward of the Washington Times asked the president whether he personally wrestled with the ethics of federally funding embryonic stem cell research. […]

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March 9, 2009
Obama's pay grade increased

When asked by Pastor Rick Warren "at what point does a baby get human rights?" Then-candidate Barack Obama responded that the question was "above his pay grade." Today, Obama increased his pay grade, stating that human embryos are definitely before the point at which a baby gets human rights -- or even a modicum of […]

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February 18, 2009
Pelosi and the Pope

House Speaker and ardent pro-abortion legislator Nancy Pelosi met the Pope today. Here's what the Pope had to say about the meeting: Following the General Audience the Holy Father briefly greeted Mrs Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, together with her entourage. His Holiness took the opportunity to speak of the […]

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February 9, 2009
Hollywood "morality"

Partial-birth abortion supporter Ashley Judd is proving that she's as ugly on the inside as she is physically attractive on the outside. Judd, a big-time liberal, has joined with the "Defenders of (some kinds of) Wildlife" to attack Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for that state's wolf-control program. Missing from the video, of course, is context. […]

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February 5, 2009
That would be murder

By no definition of the term is what is described here a "botched abortion." Eighteen and pregnant, Sycloria Williams went to an abortion clinic outside Miami and paid $1,200 for Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique to terminate her 23-week pregnancy. Three days later, she sat in a reclining chair, medicated to dilate her cervix and otherwise […]

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February 3, 2009
RICO statute anyone?

Lila Rose has done another undercover video, this time revealing that a Planned Parenthood clinic in Arizona violated state law in failing to report to authorities a sexual relationship between a 15-year-old girl and a 27-year-old man. Rose has previously demonstrated the same contempt for child abuse laws by Planned Parenthood clinics in Indiana. At […]

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January 30, 2009
Culture wars

A couple of notes on the ongoing culture wars: NBC is rejecting CatholicVote's pro-life ad for Sunday's Super Bowl broadcast that I highlighted earlier this week. NBC and the NFL say they don't take issue or advocacy ads. As LifeNews.com points out, that wasn't the explanation given earlier this week when PETA's racy ad was […]

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January 25, 2009
Obama overturns Mexico City Policy

Obama waited until his third full day in office to open the funding spigot to abortion providers overseas. I had predicted he would do it on his first full day in office. I was wrong. But Obama's accompanying statement regarding his executive order was laughable and somewhat offensive. Obama said in a statement that family […]

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January 24, 2009
Score = 20

For those of you who were ever puzzled by that line in the Gettysburg Address, a score is 20. So, "four score and seven years ago" is 87. Score does not equal thousands. So, how does one explain the "headline" on this AP video describing the "scores" that marched against Roe v. Wade earlier this […]

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