October 10, 2012
Politifraud follow-up

As I was writing last night’s critique of Politifraud’s sorry ruling on whether the U.S. tax codes contains incentives for businesses to move jobs overseas I noted that there were a few people who were listed as having been interviewed in right hand column that were nevertheless not quoted in Politifraud’s main analysis. The very […]

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October 9, 2012
Jobs or corporate profits?

Pulitzer Prize-winning embarrassment Politifact decided to wade into the deep water by analyzing President Obama’s claim that the federal tax code has “loopholes that are giving incentives for companies that are shipping jobs overseas.” It’s another classic bit of analysis where Politifraud reaches far and wide to expand the claim in question so that they […]

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October 7, 2012
This is what it takes

Doing his best Kevin Bacon impression while the Middle East burned wasn’t enough to earn President Barack Obama the Washington Post’s “Worst Week in Washington Award.” But doing his best impression of an empty chair at Wednesday night’s debate was. The Post’s ostensibly unbiased reporter who gives the award each week (usually to a Republican) […]

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September 30, 2012
How to fix the Washington Press Corps

Several years ago, the blogfather, Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit, suggested that I be hired at The New York Times to replace outgoing Public Editor Byron Calame. Fellow newsman Don Surber opined that I would be too tough a grader. He was undoubtedly right. It’s now been three years since I left (or was invited to […]

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September 23, 2012
Completely missing the point

The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto tweeted a link to this story on the CNN belief blog that literally (a la Joe Biden—which means figuratively) blew my mind. I was raised as an evangelical Christian in America, and any discussion of Christian-Jewish-Muslim relations around the world must include the phenomenon of American Islamophobia, for which […]

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September 13, 2012
A quick personal note

Posting has been sporadic lately largely for two reasons: First, I've suffered a relatively minor recurrence of sciatica that first hit me about 5 years ago. So, I'm currently in a reasonable amount of pain which makes it difficult to summon the necessary energy and moral outrage to blog. Second, I've taken a part time […]

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September 13, 2012
World's dumbest argument

I was reading some lefty blogs last weekend when I came across the most idiotic argument supporting the Obamacare contraception coverage mandate: That covering contraceptive services actually saves the insurance company money. Seriously? These are the same insurance companies that always have the adjective "greedy" preceding their name. And if they just started covering contraceptives, […]

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September 3, 2012
Cross-posting to Facebook

I wrote the following on Facebook this afternoon. I cross-post it here for posterity and wider dissemination. This is my only political Facebook post this election year. There's really only one reason I'm on Facebook--I want to keep up with what's happening in my friends’ lives. I’m amused by the pictures of your children. I […]

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September 3, 2012
Sort-of corrections

Last week I mentioned briefly that The New York Times apparently wasn’t feeling the need to correct a reference in an obituary that referred to the famous “Napalm girl” photo that won a Pulitzer Prize during the Vietnam War. The village had been mistakenly napalmed by a American-built plane flown by the South Vietnamese Air […]

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August 29, 2012
Mainstream media

The first night of broadcasting from the Republican National Convention provided an unexpected bounty of outrageous media bias. About a year ago, I filled out all the forms to be put in Cal Poly’s part time teaching pool. One of the classes I thought that I could teach was “Media Ethics.” (How can you teach […]

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