February 2, 2008
The depravity of the terrorists

The death toll may top 100 in yesterday's horrific attacks at a Baghdad pet market -- and that's not the worst of it. The worst of it is that the bombers weren't deluded and evil young men convinced that slaughtering innocents was their ticket to paradise and 72 willing virgins. Instead, the cowardly terrorists used […]

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January 31, 2008
The Media & Iraq

When the price comes down, I might have to pick this book up: "Bush's War: Media Bias and Justifications for War in a Terrorist Age." From a Q&A with author Jim Kuypers over at CollegiateTimes.com: Q: The book focuses a lot on how President Bush justified the actions of the United States military post Sept. […]

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January 31, 2008
A new Solomon Amendment

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, the Solomon Amendment is a law that requires law schools to give military recruiters the same access to students as they give to any other business. If the law schools fail to comply, they lose all federal funding -- that includes government loans and grants given […]

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January 31, 2008
TiVo-blogging the debate

I had to work this evening, as I do most evenings, so I was unable to live-blog the debate. This is the second-best thing. The Los Angeles Times representative looks constipated. First Q: Are you better off today than you were eight years ago? They're not running against an incumbent president. Who cares? Tell us […]

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January 30, 2008
Cussing in the newsroom

There's a discussion going on over at Poynter's Web site about the use of salty language in America's newsrooms. I'm linking to one letter that I found hilarious, but it is absolutely R-rated -- for that reason the letter is after the jump.

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January 30, 2008
Does McCain have it won?

Sen. John McCain won the Florida primary Tuesday by almost five points. Following wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina, McCain has definitely become the GOP frontrunner. If the rumors of a Giuliani endorsement prove true, then McCain will likely be the GOP nominee. Color me unenthusiastic. Should McCain become the nominee, then I'll hold […]

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January 29, 2008
But they support the troops

Berkeley, Calif., is the epicenter of blame- and hate-American first nuttiness. They are a self-righteous people who have nothing to be self-righteous about. Case in point: Some Berkeley residents want military recruitment offices to have the same limitations on where they can be located as porn shops. That's right: Military=Strip Clubs. If passed by a […]

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January 28, 2008
An admission

Another thing on Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' speech was an admission that the Republicans have been right all along on the Democratic Congress' motives in expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program. "We know that caring for our children, so they have a healthy and better start in life, is what grownups do," she said. […]

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January 28, 2008
A little help

In Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' Democratic response to the presidents State of the Union address, she made the following claim: On foreign policy, Sebelius said that five years of the war in Iraq have "cost us dearly -- in lives lost; in thousands of wounded warriors whose futures may never be the same; in challenges […]

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January 28, 2008
Barack's Big Weekend

Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama has had a few good days in a row. First he absolutely pounded Hillary Clinton in South Carolina and now he's picked up the endorsements of a slew of Kennedys. Obama still trails Sen. Hillary Clinton in the delegate race, but this weekend's developments may be enough to give him […]

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