March 13, 2008
Crazy uncles

What's the difference between your crazy uncle and the pastor of your church? Usually they're not one and the same. That's true of Sen. Barack Obama too. And it's going to quickly become a problem. Sen. Barack Obama's pastor says blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America." The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, […]

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March 13, 2008
Conscious choice

Rich Noyes and Brent Baker have noted how many media outlets have treated disgraced New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's party affiliation in their coverage this week. Baker reported that the "NBC Nightly News" never mentioned he was a Democrat, ABC's "World News Tonight" didn't mention any party affiliation Monday or Tuesday, but finally did Wednesday. […]

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March 13, 2008
What ever happened to resigning?

I generally defer on military matters to people with miiltary experience. However, I've also read enough history to know that there are bad generals and good generals. It's not always easy to discern one from the other except in times of military conflict. McClellan: bad general. Grant: good general. That's happening again today with this […]

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March 13, 2008

Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" takes on Berkeley. He didn't even have to try hard to get them to say stupid things.

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March 13, 2008
Spitzer announces resignation

New York Democratic Gov. Eliot Spitzer announced yesterday that he would resign effective Monday. That's not the most interesting thing about the Spitzer saga to hit the news yesterday. This is: Close aides to the governor suggested on Tuesday that the mood in the Spitzer home was tense, with the governor’s wife, Silda Wall Spitzer, […]

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March 12, 2008
Sinbad for president

Comedian Sinbad, a Barack Obama supporter, is challenging Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience -- because he has the exact same experience. Sinbad, along with singer Sheryl Crow, was on that 1996 trip to Bosnia that Clinton has described as a harrowing international experience that makes her tested and ready to answer a 3 a.m. phone […]

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March 11, 2008
Citizen McCaw

A documentary on the disaster that is the Santa Barbara News-Press under the ownership of Wendy McCaw premiered last Friday. Time to add it to my Netflix queue.

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March 11, 2008
That's why they never made it off the island

Mary Ann was a little too familiar with Mary Jane.

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March 11, 2008
Cruisin' for a bruisin'

It appears that some "peace-activist" idiots in Pittsburgh, Pa., really want the tar beat out of them. On Wednesday, March 19, POG will be holding a torch-lit march to a modern day castle of abominations—our local military recruiting station. If the station remains open, we intend to evict it and everything inside of it, occupy […]

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March 10, 2008
Spitzer's fall

That headline may be a little premature because, as of tonight, Gov. Eliot Spitzer is still the governor of New York. Monday afternoon every news channel was running the news that Spitzer was "Client 9" of a high-priced, high-class prostitution ring. Spitzer, in his arrogance, appears to have actually paid the prostitute to cross state […]

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