March 26, 2008
"Privacy" rights

Today's complete moron is Judi Hill, a supervisor in the Tulare County public library system. Hill reportedly fired aide Brenda Biesterfield after she reported to police a library patron using a library computer to view images of child pornography. On March 4, she called police when she saw Chrisler allegedly viewing the same kind of […]

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March 26, 2008
Egg McMuffin creator dies

Herb Peterson, inventor of McDonald's Egg McMuffin has died -- at 89. Apparently he didn't eat too many of them. My clogged arteries salute you.

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March 26, 2008
Well worth the money

It should come as little surprise when you consider how completely Saddam Hussein was able to corrupt the United Nations and its oil-for-palaces program that he was also able to corrupt three liberal Democrats. Saddam Hussein's intelligence agency footed the bill for a U.S. congressional delegation's trip during a buildup to the Iraq war, according […]

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March 24, 2008
March Madness note

I get digital cable with a bunch of the extra sports channels. In the past three or four days, it seems like every time I flip past CSTV they're replaying the UConn/USD game that USD won 70-69 in OT. USD was bounced out Sunday by Western Kentucky, but that game was truly an instant classic.

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March 24, 2008
Obama makes your brains fall out

Exhibit A for the proposition that Sen. Barack Obama can speak and the mere rhythm and pitch of his voice can cause normally intelligent people's brains to fall out was the mainstream media reaction to his "race speech" last week. Obama spoke eloquently on the issue of race and used his skills as a Jedi […]

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March 23, 2008
Inconvenient snow

That global warming thing has apparently forgotten Michigan. Normally in March, we get about 8.3 inches of snow, said Dennis Kahlbaum, a University of Michigan weather observer. So far in March, with more than a week to go, we've seen 16.7 inches of fluffy precipitation. A good chunk of that came Friday night and early […]

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March 23, 2008
Yeah, that's the ticket!

It's in a newspaper, so it must be true. He's had many an unkind comment about his looks when set against the radiant beauty of girlfriend Sienna Miller. But Rhys Ifans seems likely to have the last laugh because psychologists reckon that happier marriages result from attractive women who wed uglier men. And women who […]

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March 22, 2008
Firefox 3 Beta 4

I, like most people, am hesitant to use beta software. It's usually buggier than a termite mound and crashes more than a sauced-up Teddy Kennedy. However, I've been using the latest beta version of the Firefox browser (available here) and I must say that it, even in beta form, is a marked improvement over Firefox […]

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March 22, 2008
Over the line

James Carville should be ashamed of himself. The reaction of some of Mr. Clinton’s allies suggests that might have been a wise decision. “An act of betrayal,” said James Carville, an adviser to Mrs. Clinton and a friend of Mr. Clinton. “Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold […]

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March 22, 2008
Stop! You're killing me!

There's been quite a bit of hubbub the past couple of days after it was revealed that some State Department contract employees had accessed Sen. Barack Obama's passport file. After the junior senator from Illinois expressed appropriate outrage that he was the target of dirty tricks, it was further revealed that contract employees had also […]

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