April 2, 2008
Government "help"

Thursday's Wall Street Journal has an enlightening editorial on American economic history -- history that Democrats would do well to learn before they repeat it. To hear Mr. Schumer and his fellow-traveling columnists tell it, Hoover's great policy blunder was to do nothing, all the while insisting that everything was fine. But the problem with […]

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April 2, 2008
Oldie but a goodie

Over at Free Liberal (via VikingPundit) they have some old video of Sen. Harry Reid attempting to explain how paying taxes in the United States is voluntary. Except that it isn't. Except that there are "loopholes" or "incentives." Except that you will go to jail if you don't pay your taxes. Except that it's voluntary. […]

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April 2, 2008
Hillary's history

If this is accurate, and I've no reason to believe it isn't, then every frivolous claim that loony left has made about the alleged corruption in the Bush administration pales in comparison to one of their preferred successors. As Hillary Clinton came under increasing scrutiny for her story about facing sniper fire in Bosnia, one […]

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April 2, 2008
Obama's politics

National Journal rated Sen. Barack Obama as the most left-wing member of the Senate. Some media have attempted to portray him as a moderate -- a moderate, as Powerline noted, with no one to his left. Well, the guys at the Politico have dug up this survey [PDF format] from Obama's run for the Illinois […]

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April 1, 2008
Advice for Obama

I've got some advice for Sen. Barack Obama when it comes to questions about his longtime pastor: pretend you can't hear the question. On Friday, Obama appeared on ABC's "The View" and explained the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy this way: "Had the reverend not retired and had he not acknowledged that what he had said […]

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March 31, 2008

I'm a recent inductee to the Neil Gaiman admiration society, joining after watching the movie and reading the book "Stardust." After finishing Stardust, I dove into "Neverwhere," a story that takes place in London Above and London Below. London Above is what you see on the telly, movies, etc. London Below is an alternate reality […]

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March 30, 2008
Drill baby, drill!

If it weren't for the fact that the mainstream media storyline is that the burning of fossil fuels is causing the destruction of the planet, then this would likely have led last month's evening newscasts. America is sitting on top of a super massive 200 billion barrel Oil Field that could potentially make America Energy […]

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March 30, 2008
Subtle meanings

This probably shouldn't sway anyone one way or another when it comes to who you vote for come November, but it says something about the silliness of various Congressional resolutions honoring this day or that day and this thing or the other thing. I report this having been the one who pointed out in the […]

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March 30, 2008
Your balanced media

Just for the record, this morning's political roundtable on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopolus" consisted of: George Stephanopolus -- Former Clinton adviser Donna Brazile -- Democratic strategist Robert Reich -- Former Clinton Labor Secretary Paul Krugman -- NYT columnist and left-wing economist George Will -- conservative Washington Post columnist Four against one. One wonders […]

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March 30, 2008
Get your money up front

That's the word on the street if you're dealing with Hillary Clinton's campaign. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cash-strapped presidential campaign has been putting off paying hundreds of bills for months — freeing up cash for critical media buys but also earning the campaign a reputation as something of a deadbeat in some small-business circles. A pair […]

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