May 28, 2008
The invasion of Iraq

Philip Bobbitt, professor at law at Columbia University and the University of Texas School of law who served on the National Security Council for Presidents Clinton and Carter, appeared last week on the Dennis Prager radio show to pitch his book Terror and Consent Surprisingly, he sounds a lot like a dying breed -- the […]

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May 25, 2008
Hagee & McCain

The big news last week on the GOP side was the discovery of a years old video of San Antonio megachurch Pastor John Hagee attempting to explain the Holocaust. Hagee said: “ 'And they the hunters should hunt them,' that will be the Jews. 'From every mountain and from every hill and from out of […]

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May 25, 2008
Feminism's ills

Rebecca Walker, daughter of "The Color Purple" author Alice Walker, reveals that her mother was far more interested in her career and philosophy than she was in her own daughter. My early childhood was very happy although my parents were terribly busy, encouraging me to grow up fast. I was only one when I was […]

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May 23, 2008
Saturn SUVs?

Global warming has hit Jupiter. It's big red spot has now turned into three. Of course, it couldn't be a result of the Sun. Nope, must be those Saturn SUVs.

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May 23, 2008
From Journalism to Politics

Following up on yesterday's announcement that former ABC News reporter Linda Douglass (who most recently worked for National Journal) had taken a job as a senior adviser/spokeswoman for Sen. Barack Obama's campaign, there's some reporting that raises questions on what sorts of disclosures Douglass should've been making in the weeks and months leading up to […]

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May 22, 2008
Schumer's bad math

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer last month: "Oil price goes through the roof and what does the president do? He takes out the old saw of ANWR," said Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), speaking at a rebuttal press conference. "ANWR wouldn't produce a drop of oil in 10 years, and it's estimated that if they drilled […]

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May 22, 2008
That liberal media

It hasn't made a big splash in the media, but journalist Linda Douglass has quit her job to join a presidential campaign. Do you really have to click the link to find out which one?

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May 21, 2008
Magical Unicorn Power

I spent $55.55 today to fill up the gas tank on my car. It's gotten to the point where I'm spending about $200 a month on gas due to my 66 mile roundtrip daily commute. Pretty quickly it's going to get to the point where I crash a few nights a week at the Hoy […]

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May 21, 2008
It's that time of the year again

Students across the nation are once again going through that rite of passage known as graduation. Unfortunately for too many (and one is too many), what they get in a commencement speaker is someone far too interested in politics and not in the students they come to campus to address and inspire. In the interest […]

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May 20, 2008
You need a program to keep it straight

Then: OK, so Iran is a "tiny" country that doesn't pose a "serious" threat to the United States. Today (Follow link for video): Obama: "I've made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave." Grave? If I've got my code words straight, that means Obama intends to invade Iran. After all, that's […]

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