June 3, 2008
Saved for future reference

Sen. Chuck Schumer in today's Wall Street Journal on Iran's nuclear and missile programs: Two years ago, under NATO auspices, Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania agreed to build an antimissile defense site to thwart the threat of a nuclear missile attack by Iran. The threat is hypothetical and remote, and the Bush administration's emphasis […]

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June 2, 2008
Obama's faith

I am really hesitant to do judge other people's faith. Especially politicians. Especially when the largely religion-less press corps asks questions regarding faith that are more for political consumption than really getting to the substance of a person's faith. However, I think there's a lot of evidence that if Sen. Barack Obama really is a […]

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June 1, 2008
Opinions vs. facts

New York Times public editor Clark Hoyt addressed factual challenges to an op-ed column by Edward N. Luttwak that claimed that a President Barack Obama would face problems visiting Muslim countries because he would be viewed as an apostate. (Obama's father was a Muslim, but Obama is a Christian.) The results of Hoyt's investigation: I […]

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June 1, 2008
Seen on the freeway

Going into work yesterday I saw two sets of two cars stopped by the side of the road. In each case, the second car was bringing gas to the first, as evidenced by the big red gas cans being used. For the record, one of the out-of-gas cars was a Toyota Prius. Yep, apparently some […]

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May 31, 2008
How is the bus still moving forward?

First it was his white grandmother. Then it was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Tonight, Sen. Barack Obama held a press converence and the threw Trinity United Church of Christ under the bus too. (As an aside, if you played the "uhhh" = 1 drink game, you'd be sauced in less than 2 minutes.) The straw […]

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May 29, 2008

It's amazing what really smart people can accomplish when they put their minds to it. Appearing at the All Things D conference, inventor Dean Kaman shows off the replacement arm he is developing primarily for troops who have been wounded in the war on terrorism. There's a touching moment about half-way through where Kamen shows […]

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May 29, 2008
Harvey Korman, RIP

Harvey Korman, one of America's greatest funnymen, died today at 81. The world is a less funny place now.

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May 28, 2008
Global Warming update

A bunch of environmentalists are on a cruise to see the dwindling artic sea ice and drowning polar bears. Unfortunately, there's a problem. Their ship, one of the world's premier icebreakers, got stuck for a week in rapidly advancing sea ice. What irony. I am a passenger on one of the most powerful icebreakers in […]

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May 28, 2008
Journalists do math

They just don't do it well. Two suicide blasts strike Afghanistan, one dead

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May 28, 2008
Unions and abortion

This report in today's Union-Tribune has me scratching my head. The campaign mailer against Superior Court Judge Jan Goldsmith shows a woman holding a coat hanger – a symbol of illegal abortions – and a sign reading: “Never Again.” What Goldsmith can't figure out is, what it has to do with his campaign for city […]

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