July 7, 2008
Safe, legal and ... legal

When he was running for president, Bill Clinton's position on abortion was that he wanted to make sure that it was "safe, legal and rare." Two out of three isn't bad. Sen. Barack Obama last week tried his hand at pivoting toward the center on abortion when he came out and said that the "mental […]

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July 3, 2008
Interesting, but irrelevant

When our benevolent rulers on the Supreme Court decided last week that we had evolved past the point of punishing child rapists with the death penalty, part of the justification was the fact that so few jurisdictions had passed laws making the crime death penalty worthy. This ignored the convenient fact that the Court itself […]

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July 3, 2008
So you say it's your birthday?

Well, it's my birthday too. This is one of several days each year that I do the obligatory banging of the tip jar(s) -- which can be found in the right sidebar below. For those of you who prefer to give a gift instead of cold, hard cash, you can find my Amazon wish list […]

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July 3, 2008
Liberal Fascism

It took me quite awhile, but I finally finished Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism" yesterday. Make no mistake, this is not a sparsely sourced, name-calling polemic. It is a serious work of intellectual history that can be a daunting task to read. Having said that; everyone should read it. Goldberg traces the roots of fascism from […]

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July 2, 2008
Welcome Campbell!

We here at Hoystory would like to welcome to the world our new co-favorite niece, Campbell Sarah. Campbell with big sister Madeline.

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July 2, 2008
I'm distracting you!

Lookie here! I'm not going to talk about Sen. Barack Obama's stands on the issues. I'm not going to talk about Obama's experience -- there isn't much. Instead, I'm going to ask you to think about Obama's judgment. Don't expect anyone in the media to ask him tough questions -- they're a distraction.

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July 1, 2008
The Democrats' Big Tent

Democrats have continued to reach out to the religious community -- all religions. Yep, those are Satanists, one of whom is a Democratic Party official. UPDATE! A day later police have arrested another person as an accessory after the fact in the case -- this time the third vice-chair of the Durham County Democratic Party. […]

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July 1, 2008
Don't know much about history

Barack Obama gave a speech today. He said: I remember, when living for four years in Indonesia as a child, listening to my mother reading me the first lines of the Declaration of Independence – "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator […]

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July 1, 2008
Courtney Masengale speaks

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, the man who got fired from his NATO command, appeared on "Face the Nation" Sunday and had the following to say about Sen. John McCain: In the interview, Clark said McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, was "untested and untried." When Schieffer asked to explain the comment, Clark said he was referring […]

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June 30, 2008
What's the matter with California?

This issue isn't specific to California, but it's in the same vein as the popular book "What's the matter with Kansas?" that posited that the middle class votes against its economic interests (read: Democrats) because Republicans use religion and societal issues as wedges. My short answer to that is: So what? Every election requires voters […]

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