August 21, 2008
Obama's friends

This one's gonna leave a mark. Obama's apologists will decry this linkage of him with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. But just imagine what these same apologists would say if any Republican had a similar relationship with abortion clinic bombers.

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August 21, 2008
Sick society

It should come as little surprise that societies that value women little, value children even less. However, this story about a father acting like a father -- and getting almost universal condemnation for it, should provide a modicum of hope. KAOLACK, Senegal (AP) - It hurts too much to lie on his back, so the […]

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August 20, 2008
It's infanticide

I'm not saying that this phrasing is spreading through the blogosphere because I was among the first to argue for it, but it is spreading. Hotair: Obama's support for infanticide breaks into mainstream media Confederate Yankee: Obama Lashes Out Over Infanticide Charges, Hides Behind His Daughters We also have what is purported to be an […]

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August 20, 2008
Bundle up

Sometime back, a scientist suggested that one of the most cost-effective ways to prevent global warming would be to toss a bunch of sulfur into the air. The sulfur would reflect solar rays -- and therefore heat -- back into the atmosphere. You do enough of it, and the Earth would cool. This was tested […]

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August 20, 2008
Obama and taxes

Sen. Barack Obama first let the mask slip about what his opinion on the role of taxes in America was at the infamous ABC News debate that had the nutroots claiming that Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopolous were GOP plants. A quick refresher for those of you who don't remember it: MR. GIBSON: Senator Obama, […]

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August 19, 2008
How to win friends and influence people

I've mentioned before that Sen. Barack Obama's vote to kill (excuse the pun) a bill that would affirm that babies born alive deserve medical treatment -- even if they happen to have survived a botched abortion. I've also tried to make the case that this incident really shouldn't be classified as an "abortion" vote. The […]

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August 19, 2008

We have a double-standard check when it comes to God-talk done by Democrats vs. Republicans. Is there any doubt that the secular left would have a cow had House Speaker Denny Hastert referred to President George W. Bush as "a leader that God has blessed us with at this time"? No? Then why the silence […]

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August 18, 2008
WSJ on Obama vs. Clarence Thomas

At Saturday's Civil Forum, Obama said one Supreme Court jurist that he would not have appointed is Clarence Thomas. No surprise there. And it would've likely been a non-story if Obama had kept his criticism to the fact that he disagrees with Thomas' judicial philosophy. But Obama wasn't quite smart enough to limit his remarks […]

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August 18, 2008
Running the numbers

Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Powell has crunched the numbers -- both in photos and words -- and it should come as little surprise that Obama is getting substantially more photos and stories than his GOP rival. The explanations are predictable, and to some extent may be true. But, as Howell acknowledges, it doesn't look good.

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August 18, 2008
On human rights, rights and morals

Prompted by the post below, I want to just touch on a couple of human-rights related issues. The first one is prompted by Obama's claim that the issue of when babies deserve human rights (or put another way, when does human life begin) is "above my pay grade." Think about that answer with regard to […]

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