September 4, 2008

Apparently the challenges facing the country are going to take a back seat in an Obama administration. Democratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden said yesterday that he and running mate Barack Obama could pursue criminal charges against the Bush administration if they are elected in November. If this is what their political instincts are, I don't […]

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September 4, 2008
Politics, not principle

Compare and contrast The New York Times editorial page then and now. Then: Where is it written that only senators are qualified to become President?...Or where is it written that mere representatives aren’t qualified, like Geraldine Ferraro of Queens?...Where is it written that governors and mayors, like Dianne Feinstein of San Francisco, are too local, […]

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September 4, 2008
The next VP and the media

First off, I finally got to see the entireity of Gov. Sarah Palin's address when the late-night replay came on. She did well. I don't think it is difficult for the public to see her as a potential vice president -- and that was the most important thing. I also got to catch Giuliani's address […]

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September 2, 2008
Random thoughts

I'm more than a little steamed by the looney left and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) and their treatment of Gov. Sarah Palin and her family. Case in point, the wonderful Democrats at DailyKos: [not a link to the sewer] "If health insurance for all, an end to the Iraq War, an end […]

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September 1, 2008
Compare and contrast

One other note on the two politcal parties and their contrasting views on the miracle of life: Sarah Palin: "Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even […]

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September 1, 2008
Bristol's baby

The two big news stories today are Hurricane Gustav and the revelation that Gov. Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, is pregnant. Bristol will be keeping the baby and marrying the father, known only as Levi. The first story matters. The second does not. The news was announced today in response to the loony left Internet […]

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August 31, 2008
Liberal vile

Since Friday's announcement that Gov. Sarah Palin would be John McCain's running mate, the left has gone absolutely cuckoo. While there's been fair comment (but not full disclosure) and criticism on Palin's experience and her alleged effort to get her former brother-in-law fired. (Flopping Aces has a useful timeline here calling the whole "scandal" into […]

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August 31, 2008
Cal Poly 29, SDSU 27

For the second time in three years, a late fourth quarter field goal gave my alma mater, Cal Poly SLO, a victory over I-A San Diego State. I was there to witness it and it was certainly an exciting game to watch. I'd like to look forward to another Cal Poly vs. SDSU game in […]

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August 29, 2008
Palin for VP

Well, you must've been in a cave if you haven't heard by now that Sen. John McCain picked first term Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his V.P. Response to the pick has been mixed -- and I'm just talking about the Republicans. Many are glad to see a pro-life woman on the ticket who has […]

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August 28, 2008
That's gonna hurt

It probably doesn't help Barack Obama that he said he wouldn't be ready or really qualified to run for president in the 2008 eleciton cycle.

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