September 11, 2008
This is a news story?

Hat tip to Jonah Goldberg on this AP news story. Palin tries to defend qualifications in interview As Goldberg notes, we can have all sorts of fun with this: Headlines you won't see: Obama tries to defend his disturbing ties to criminals, terrorist, in interview. Biden tries to defend crazy ideas in interview. Associated Press […]

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September 11, 2008
Sarah Palin and Charlie Gibson

It's a little bit sad that the McCain campaign took a look at the mainstream media littered with Obama cheerleaders and decided that the fairest coverage they could get was from ABC News' Charlie Gibson. So, Gov. Sarah Palin sat down with Charlie and he proceeded to demonstrate his incompetence. GIBSON: You said recently, in […]

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September 11, 2008
9/11 seven years later

It's been seven years since 19 terrorists hijacked airliners and killed thousands of people. Few people would've hoped we wouldn't have suffered another terrorist attack in seven years time. Like him or hate him, only the most blinkered partisan would refuse to give President George W. Bush at least some credit for that record. The […]

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September 10, 2008
Pick one

Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen is losing it. From his column yesterday: In the biographies of both presidential candidates are episodes of pure wonderment. No man can read about McCain's time as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam and not wonder, "Could I do that?" For most of us, the answer -- the truthful […]

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September 10, 2008
Poor Chuck Graham

Chuck Graham is a state senator. I'm not sure which state he's a senator in, but he's obviously an Obama backer and you know he's got faith in Obama. Faith in Obama's running mate? Maybe not so much. Doesn't Biden know that Obama is the only one, once elected, who can make the waters recede, […]

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September 9, 2008
Obama's errors

Commentary Magazine's Jennifer Rubin lists some of the blunders that have put Obama's campaign in the situation it finds itself in today: Reneging on his public financing promise: Had he not done that, he might have saved his New Politics reputation and avoided his current money woes. Going on the Magical Mystery Tour: Had he […]

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September 9, 2008
One of the signs of the apocalypse

A few days ago I made the following observation regarding Gov. Sarah Palin's "troopergate" scandal. The real vetting question should be: Why couldn’t this reform-minded governor get a guy who shouldn’t be a lawman fired? Today, Mike Gravel agrees with me. "Troopergate" is going to come out in [Palin's] favor when they really get down […]

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September 9, 2008
People unclear on the concept

The Washington Post has an "expose" on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's use of the per diem. The breathless headline: "Palin Billed State for Nights Spent at Home; Taxpayers Also Funded Family's Travel." A few things to note: First, as governor, her "home" is the governor's residence in Juneau. Her Wasilla home is not considered her […]

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September 8, 2008
Palin and the bridge to nowhere

The Instapundit has up a collection of links on Gov. Sarah Palin and the "bridge to nowhere." I encourage you to check them all out. What is interesting to note is two things: First, the media -- inculding USA Today and The New Yrok Times -- and the Alaska Democratic Party all credited Palin with […]

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September 8, 2008

Sen. Barack Obama this weekend decided to go after Gov. Sarah Palin. Set aside for a moment the stupidity of spending time as the No. 1 guy on the Democratic ticket attacking the No. 2 on the GOP ticket and just focus on the subject. Barack Obama took his first direct swipe at Republican vice […]

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