September 18, 2008
Paul Krugman's mistake

This is funny. (via Best of the Web Today) In a debate on whether or not the U.S. government should fund health care, Krugman tried to use some uncooperative Canadians to make his point. Krugman: --and I wanted to ask, actually two questions, to the audience. First, how many Canadians, would Canadians in the room […]

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September 17, 2008
In Barack Obama's America

Here's a couple of Internet ads that take on Barack Obama's opposition to the Illinois Born-Alive Infant Protection Act. Beware, this second one has a brief shot of an aborted child -- for the record, you've probably seen far worse on those unfortunate posters that certain overzealous abortion opponents wield. Frankly, I have a hard […]

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September 17, 2008
House votes to drill -- where there's no oil

Yesterday, the House voted 236-189 for a bill that would open up a miniscule portion of the outer continental shelf for drilling, allow a few states along the southern eastern seaboard to allow drilling, but would give the states that allowed it no benefit -- and therefore no incentive -- to allow it. This farce […]

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September 16, 2008
The Klein Doctrine

Time magazine's Joe Klein needs to have a doctrine named after him. Something along the lines of "No punditry shall be used against the author if it is more than six months old." Klein, most famous for writing the book "Primary Colors," is an Obama supporter and he's chosen to stick his neck out and […]

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September 15, 2008
Someone watches too many movies

If your only glimpse into journalism was the Drew Barrymore movie "Never Been Kissed," then you'd probably buy Barack Obama's resume inflation exercise. In the movie, Barrymore's character is a copy editor with her own office and an assistant. In real life, copy editors don't. Likewise, Sen. Barack Obama tried to make his work as […]

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September 15, 2008
Great moments in liberal philanthropy

On Friday, the typical political bad news document dump day, the Obama campaign released the last 10 years of Sen. Joe Biden's tax returns. The documents reveal once again that Democrats see philanthropic giving as paying your taxes -- and little more. Biden's adjusted gross income never dropped below $200k and he never gave more […]

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September 15, 2008
This is why I'm a meatatarian

Eating veggies shrinks the brain

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September 15, 2008
Say what Howie?

I'm not sure Howard Kurtz, who I generally respect, saw the same interview I saw. But when Palin seemed puzzled by a question about the Bush Doctrine -- which has several possible meanings -- Gibson explained what he meant without making it sound like a gotcha moment. There's an old journalistic (and false) axiom that […]

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September 14, 2008
Boston Globe takes aim at McCain, shoots self in foot

Late last week, Sen. Barack Obama's campaign took aim at Sen. John McCain, painting him as old and a luddite. The ad mocks McCain for not knowing how to use a computer or send an e-mail. Problem, the reason McCain doesn't use a computer is due to the fact that the most ubiquitous interface for […]

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September 14, 2008
Compare and contrast

Via Patterico comes these videos comparing how ABC News reporter Charlie Gibson interviews a Democrat with little accomplishment running for president... ... versus how Gibson interviews a Republican governor who took on and took out a corrupt GOP governor and worked to reform state government... . There's a lot you can say about the disparate […]

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