October 8, 2008
Classy Claire McCaskill

The senator from Missouri is a jerk. McCaskill was stepping out of her chair at the end of an MSNBC interview, and Romney was up next. She and a staffer unplugged her various wires, and she handed Romney the earpiece the guests use to hear the host. "I spit on this before I put it […]

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October 7, 2008
Tonight's question for Barack Obama

If there was one question I would like asked of Barack Obama tonight that 1) might actually get asked and 2) might actually get answered it would be this: Sen. Obama, if you were to become president and, upon taking office, discover that your plan for higher taxes on the rich would be insufficient to […]

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October 6, 2008
Barack Obama and William Ayers

CNN finally got around to looking into the relationship. What resulted was a report that shows the two have a much longer and deeper relationship than Obama's made it out to be. The question now is will Obama directly answer in-depth questions on the issue? Will Tom Brokaw ask? Don't hold your breath.

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October 6, 2008
Cloaking partisanship in fact-checking

National Review's Byron York makes a point that I've made previously and then takes it a step farther: The fact-checkers aren't neutral. It’s fair to say that John McCain has taken more heat from the fact-checkers than has Barack Obama, so much so that one prominent analyst has declared that “lies are more central” to […]

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October 6, 2008
An American Carol

I caught the late matinee showing of David Zucker's latest film "An American Carol" this afternoon. I'm pretty sure that I was the youngest person in the audience by at least a decade. In a case of not knowing your audience, the last trailer before the movie started was for Oliver Stone's upcoming anti-Bush movie […]

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October 6, 2008

It took me about four days to get through "Brisingr," the latest volume in young Christopher Paolini's "Inheritance" quadrilogy. Paolini made a splash several years ago with the first volume, "Eragon," written when he was only 16. Now Paolini is 24 and his writing has improved. The first book was well done -- likely a […]

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October 6, 2008
Who gets to vote?

I made a brief foray into talk radio yesterday. Coming home from running a couple of errands I made the mistake of flipping radio stations and I came across a local live talk show railing against taxes -- specifically, two local measures in East County. One is a proposed increase in the sales tax, the […]

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October 5, 2008
Photo-editing 101

One of the things you eventually learn in your college editing class is that the photos should reflect the story and vice versa. Both should also represent reality. Unfortunately, that's something that too many journalists occasionally forget when it comes to hot-button issues. For example, long ago at Cal Poly SLO's Mustang Daily the editors […]

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October 5, 2008
For the record

For those who were impressed by Sen. Joe Biden's command of the facts on Thursday night, take note: a combination of the McCain campaign, bloggers and fact-checkers have identified 24 inaccuracies by Biden in a 90-minute debate. Nos. 1-14 are from the McCain campaign. 1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted “the exact same way” […]

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October 5, 2008
Having trouble paying your mortgage?

Shoot yourself. Fannie Mae said it will set aside the loan of a woman who shot herself as sheriff's deputies tried to evict her from her foreclosed home. Fannie Mae foreclosed on the Akron, Ohio, home of Addie Polk, 90, after acquiring the mortgage in 2007. Addie Polk, 90, of Akron, Ohio, became a symbol […]

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