January 18, 2006
Pull the other one

Tom Daschle, formerly minority leader of the Senate, is considering a run for president. Of the United States. No, not the local Elks Lodge. President. Yes. Of the United States. Yes, he lost his re-election bid in 2004. Yes, he was minority leader at the time. Yes, he's lost his mind.

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January 18, 2006
All about the Benjamins

It's ironic that Benjamin Franklin's 300th birthday was yesterday and we once again encounter a big business behaving badly. Major League Baseball, which most recently switched from juiced balls to juiced players, is claiming that it owns the copyrights to its statistics. Your favorite player went 2-for-4 last night with a double? If you want […]

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January 18, 2006

The New York Times' decision to put its columnists behind the Iron Curtain of TimesSelect was dumb. Where once people like Nick Kristof, Paul Krugman and David Brooks played an influential role in the public debate, now they are seldom if ever discussed. Unread, they've become largely irrelevant. But if that move wasn't bad enough, […]

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January 17, 2006
Mad = Nuts, not Mad = Angry

Probably the best article I've read on former Vice President Al Gore's speech yesterday comes from National Review's Byron York entitled "Al Gore's Mad Message." I stopped taking Al Gore seriously more than a decade ago, but the incredibly laughable part of Gore's speech -- and what convinced me that it really wasn't worth fisking […]

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January 17, 2006

I got up early Saturday morning (and stayed up late, but that's story) and headed out to Ramona for the Wildlife Research Institute's Hawkwatch program. What did I learn? Birds fly south for the Winter. For a couple months, Ramona counts as "south." A 400mm (35mm film equivalent) lens is not nearly enough for serious […]

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January 16, 2006
Channeling Pat Robertson

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin gets in touch with his inner nut. Mayor Ray Nagin suggested Monday that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and other storms were a sign that "God is mad at America" and at black communities, too, for tearing themselves apart with violence and political infighting. "Surely God is mad at America. He […]

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January 16, 2006
Who deserves sympathy?

I've made this point before, but The Washington Post's David Broder brings up the issue in his Sunday column and shows just how far out of touch with reality the liberal elite is. At no point that I heard did Alito express sympathy for the men and women who came to his court looking for […]

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January 16, 2006
They can't even get their corrections right

There's been a lot of hubbub around the blogosphere about this photo that was published on the New York Times Web site over the weekend. When first published, the Times referred to the artillery shell in the photo as "the remains of a missile." The blogosphere assailed the Times for its ignorance of things military, […]

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January 16, 2006
My favorite cartoonists

Are Cox and Forkum. They nail it with this one: It's a travesty that they're not syndicated.

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January 16, 2006
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day

Of course, that old adage only makes sense if you're talking about analog clocks. But it applies to this article in today's New York Times on a crisis pregnancy center in Louisville, Ky. The article is fair and balanced and doesn't allow the pro-abortion opponents to dominate the piece (since it isn't about them anyway). […]

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