January 22, 2006
USA vs. Canada

I went to the game this evening between the U.S. and Canada men's soccer teams. The game ended in a 0-0 tie. The biggest news of the night was soccer phenom Freddy Adu's first appearance on the men's national team, making him the youngest man to ever play for the team. Though he only played […]

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January 22, 2006
Paul Begala vs. Deborah Howell

Paul Begala is a former Clinton hatchet-man. Deborah Howell is the Washington Post's ombudsman. I pit them against each other because something that Begala said this morning on "Meet the Press" conflicts with something Howell wrote in today's Post. First, Begala on the Abramoff scandal: Mr. Abramoff is a movement, partisan Republican. There's no evidence […]

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January 22, 2006
Understandable mistake

San Diego State's basketball team has been so bad for so long that last night marked the first time in its history that they managed to defeat BYU three times in a row. SDSU swept BYU last season and in their first meeting of this season, and just a few minutes into the game the […]

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January 21, 2006
End of the Spear

I plan on seeing "End of the Spear" Monday night, but decided to check out some of the reviews for it over at RottenTomatoes.com, a review aggregator. Needless to say, that hostility toward Christian and religious content isn't limited to Hollywood studios, but also appears to run rampant among movie critics. "End of the Spear" […]

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January 21, 2006
Please, please, please

More and more Democrat senators are coming out against Judge Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court. Their reasons are myriad, shallow and downright silly. The Wall Street Journal is keeping a running tally of the Democrats here. Thus far only Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska has said he will support Alito. Here's hoping that fewer […]

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January 20, 2006

I saw last week that Scripps Howard News Service had sacked Michael Fumento after he failed to disclose that Monsanto had spent $60,000 to help fund a book that he wrote back in 1999. Fumento finally responded to his firing Thursday, and I must confess that I'm underwhelmed by the entire scandal. Before I go […]

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January 19, 2006
Yes, but

John Hinderaker over at Powerline notes that when the New York Times is leaked a document by someone antagonistic towards Democrats, that they suddenly find their ethics policy and describe the whistleblower leaker and his/her motivations. A copy of the report was obtained by The New York Times from someone sympathetic to the Barrett investigation […]

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January 19, 2006
Spin, spin, spin

Check out these dueling headlines, subheads and introductory paragraphs on Wednesday's Supreme Court ruling in an abortion case. First, The Washington Post: Justices Send Back Parent-Notification Law Lower Court Must Modify N.H. Abortion Measure Instead of Striking It Down By Charles Lane Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, January 19, 2006; Page A08 The Supreme Court […]

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January 18, 2006
Mr. Active Liberty, crime and punishment

The other day Clarence Ray Allen, a convicted murderer who ordered the deaths of four people who had testified him at trial was executed early Tuesday morning. Allen was 76 when he went to meet his maker, 59 years older than one of his murder victims, Josephine Rocha. As his scheduled execution neared, his lawyers […]

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January 18, 2006
I'm surprised there's any horse left

Today's New York Times revisits the 2003 State of the Union address again and reveals nothing new. Before I quote the Times story, let me pose a hypothetical. Let's say that I want to get a date with actress Jessica Alba. Let's say that I go ahead and call her agent and try to arrange […]

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