January 25, 2006
Editorial writers in need of a clue

The New York Times editorial page is urging a filibuster of Judge Samuel Alito. Of course, since by the the Times' own definition only one vote is needed against cloture for a filibuster to occur, they'll likely get it. Frankly, the Times' histrionics on this issue just goes to show you how truly out of […]

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January 25, 2006
This is why O'Reilly drives me mad

The loudmouth doesn't do his homework: "[Justice Ruth Bader] Ginsburg was unanimously confirmed, I mean it was 98 to nothing." No, it wasn't. It was 96-3.

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January 25, 2006
More evidence that life isn't fair

This idiot is one year older than I am and has a weekly column at the steadily declining Los Angeles Times. For more on this moron, check here and here.

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January 25, 2006
Turley's failure to practice full-disclosure confirmed

Earlier this month I posed a question about whether or not Georgetown Law School professor Jonathan Turley was practicing full-disclosure in his television appearances attacking the NSA surveillance program. When the New York Times broke the NSA surveillance story, Turley went on some Fox News program -- I don't remember which one -- and offered […]

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January 25, 2006
You gotta be kidding me

ABC News's chief investigative correspondent, Brian Ross, has broken an incredible story about an ethics scandal rocking the Supreme Court. (via Volokh) At the historic swearing-in of John Roberts as the 17th chief justice of the United States last September, every member of the Supreme Court, except Antonin Scalia, was in attendance. ABC News has […]

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January 24, 2006
A mirror for the lady

California's "moderate" senator, Dianne Feinstein, had this to say today on the 10-8 party-line vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee on future Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., said things are different from when the Senate considered Breyer and Ginsburg, who were confirmed 87-9 and 96-3 respectively. "There […]

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January 24, 2006
Is Miramax trying to bury a pro-soldier movie?

I saw "The Great Raid" when it was in theaters. Though it wasn't the greatest WWII movie of the past decade, it was a solid film that cast American soldiers in a positive light. The film was shot in 2002, but sat on a shelf until last year. There was a lot of grumbling that […]

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January 24, 2006
End of the Spear

I just got back from watching "End of the Spear" in the theater. It's an excellent, moving film. Frankly, I'm even more befuddled now, after having seen the movie, than I was before at the complaints of some reviewers that the film is prosletyzing, preachy and in-your-face religious. Frankly, I can't imagine making a movie […]

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January 23, 2006
A number

Three Republicans voted against Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the Supreme Court. Nine Republicans voted against Stephen Breyer for the Supreme Court. Twenty-two Democrats (50 percent of Dems in the Senate) voted against Chief Justice John Roberts for the Supreme Court. Between 30 and 40-some Democrats will likely vote against Justice Sam Alito. On Fox News, […]

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January 23, 2006

The San Diego Union-Tribune editorial page has been tacking in a more center right direction for the past couple of years, but not so far that they don't support a qualified candidate for the Supreme Court. Today's editorial on the Democrats and their Sen. Chuck "Credit Report" Schumer-led ideological litmus tests for judges includes some […]

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