February 8, 2006

Or the closest thing to it. It seems that blogger Catherine Seipp has gotten into a blogospheric tussle with New York Times reporter David Cay Johnston. Apparently Johnston chided Seipp for revealing on her blog and in a National Review Online article that a Times reporter (not Johnston) had contacted her regarding an article on […]

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February 7, 2006
Democrats and funerals

When Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone died several years ago, his funeral was not about him, it was about Democrat politics. A genial guy who was liked by even his political opponents was used to paint Republicans as evil. When it came to deciding whether to remember Wellstone or attack Republicans, too often attack Republicans won […]

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February 6, 2006
Gonzales vs. the Senators

I didn't watch a whole much of the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearings with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on the NSA surveillance program, but I read several of the wire stories and I've watched a couple of the cable news reports in addition to the usual blogging suspects. Having said that, I think there's a bit […]

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February 6, 2006
That's gonna leave a mark

John McCain has written a scathing letter to freshman Illinois Sen. Barack Obama that he's going to remember for a long time. I would like to apologize to you for assuming that your private assurances to me regarding your desire to cooperate in our efforts to negotiate bipartisan lobbying reform legislation were sincere. When you […]

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February 6, 2006
Preening for the cameras

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is scheduled to spend today in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee defending President Bush's foreign surveillance program. Democrats and selected Republicans on the committee get the opportunity to once again make fools out of themselves on C-SPAN. Gonzales has once again taken to the nation's editorial pages -- this time […]

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February 4, 2006
Religious respect

I must confess that I'm not the least bit surprised to find that the New York Times-owned Boston Globe only calls for the public to respect religious beliefs as long as those beliefs and believers aren't Christian. Eugene Volokh points out (first link) that when the topic was Andres Serrano's famous "artwork" "Piss Christ," or […]

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February 3, 2006
What's offensive?

Editor & Publisher is running an article on the controversial cartoons below and it contains this little gem from Associated Press executive editor Jill Carroll: Kathleen Carroll, AP executive editor, said the news cooperative has long withheld images it deemed offensive, such as photos and video of beheadings. "We have a very longstanding policy of […]

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February 3, 2006
More on the cartoons

I published 3 of the forbidden Jyllands-Posten cartoons earlier today. Since then I have read a couple of dissenting views of people I respect who argue that the publishing (and re-publishing) the cartoons is merely an effort to goad Muslims into acting on their base instincts. Hugh Hewitt likens the cartoons below to a Tom […]

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February 3, 2006
Freedom of the press

One of the cornerstones of Western civilization is freedom of speech and of the press. A free press won't stay that way for long if it cannot criticize the world's second-largest religion. So, as a sign of solidarity with Denmark's Jyllands-Posten newspaper. Here are a few of the blasphemous Mohammed cartoons. Michelle Malkin notes that […]

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February 3, 2006
Flip it around

Just over one year ago, Harvard President Lawrence H. Summers gave a speech which sparked outrage among women's groups. In the speech, Summers suggested that one possibility why there are few women science and engineering professors at the nation's elite schools may be due to innate differences between men and women. Maybe, Summers suggested, that […]

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