February 11, 2006
Sports update

I got to go to the Utah vs. SDSU men's basketball game today before I went into work. The Aztecs had their win streak snapped, but the what struck me most about this game was the poor quality of the officiating. Several times Utah's center would set a screen for a guard and then turn […]

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February 11, 2006
I hope his front door accomodates tractor-trailers

When someone toots their own horn, I'm apt to make the crack that I'll head down and grease the front door so I can get their ego through it. Well, grease wouldn't be nearly enough for rap "singer" Kanye West, last seen on this blog posing as Jesus Christ on the cover of Rolling Stone. […]

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February 11, 2006

I got off work early on Tuesday, and since I was working out of the Carlsbad office, I headed down to nearby Tamarack State Beach just after sunset. Low light can be difficult for digital cameras, but I did manage to get off some decent shots. All of these were taken using my Olympus E-500 […]

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February 10, 2006
Failing civics

It appears that a Washington Post article that portrays two of the top judges of the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act Court as standing athwart the Bush administration's "illegal" NSA surveillance program may backfire. The piece describes how Judges Royce Lamberth and his successor, Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, barred the use of evidence gained by the NSA program […]

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February 9, 2006
Good for a laugh

National Review's John O'Sullivan recounts this anecdote that had me laughing: Sorry, but the Basil Fawlty story reminds me of the great opening line of Vincent Mulchrone's Daily Mail report of the German victory over England in an earlier soccer World Cup. I quote from memory: "Yesterday Germany beat this country in our national game […]

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February 9, 2006
A couple of must-reads

First there's this concise explanation of why the NSA surveillance program is legal. Second is this transcript of a roundtable discussion regarding the Muhammed cartoons with Hugh Hewitt, Joe Carter, Michael Medved and Dennis Prager. My position on the issue is most closely aligned with Medved and Prager.

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February 9, 2006
For the record

For some reason this story didn't make it online, but as you may know the San Diego Union-Tribune is one of the majority of American papers that have refused to run the controversial Muhammed cartoons. The following is editor Karin Winner's explanation that appeared in Tuesday's paper. Karin Winner, editor of The San Diego Union-Tribune, […]

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February 9, 2006
A disgrace to the uniform

Col. Janis Karpinski, the one-time general whose supervisorial failures were revealed to the world when the infamous Abu Ghraib photos came out, is making the anti-Iraq War rounds peddling a new lie. Several female service members have died of dehydration because they refused to drink liquids late in the day due to fear of being […]

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February 9, 2006

Well, it didn't take long for The New York Times to demonstrate that their policy of not offending religious believers was a bunch of bolshevik storytelling. Yesterday's Times, in a "Critic's notebook" analysis piece on the Muhammed cartoons controversy followed policy by not using any of the "blasphemous" drawings. Instead, they again ran the "artwork" […]

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February 8, 2006
Justice done

Judge Joan Weber today sentenced cop-killer Adrian Camacho to death today. You can read two articles here and here. The North County Times article (the first link) is the more complete of the two -- and I encourage you to read it and pray for Jamie Zeppetella. I caught two of the local 11 p.m. […]

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