March 14, 2006
Mind over Media Matters

Media Matters for America is the left-wing answer to Brent Bozell's Media Research Center and is headed by David Brock, the one-time right-wing hatchet man who "saw the light," admitted that he was a liar and became a left-wing hatchet man saint. I don't often visit Media Matters because they spend much of their time […]

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March 14, 2006
Growing egos

Despite my mainstream media credentials, I'm too often disappointed by what the MSM does in its pursuit of fame and acclaim. Whether it's insisting on investigating the leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame for political reasons without the commonsense and foresight to realize that it would only hurt the media's credibility or displaying incredible arrogance […]

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March 14, 2006
Feingold's folly

Sen. Russ Feingold's censure resolution for President Bush isn't getting much support from other people who actually have to win elections. Of course, it's a hit at the moonbat-left blogosphere, but stupid, futile gestures are the norm there. As Texas Sen. John Cornyn notes, Feingold's play for attention distracts from the serious issues: Democrat co-sponsors […]

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March 13, 2006
Unclear on the concept

Sometimes the only people more stupid than journalists are the people in government that they cover. Today's case study is Douglas County (Minn.) Coordinator Bill Schalow. Once upon a time in a place called Alexandria an official decreed that news must be submitted to the government for approval before being disseminated. The official was not […]

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March 13, 2006
Pic of the Day

Last week, I linked to an article about an experiment that created plasma much hotter than the center of the sun. Here's a picture of the machine that did it. The caption also includes this gem: During the unexpected powerful contained explosion, the Z machine released about 80 times the world's entire electrical power usage […]

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March 13, 2006
Dim bulbs

I'm watching my Tivo'd broadcast of CNN's "Reliable Sources" from yesterday with Powerlineblog's John Hinderaker regarding the potential for criminal charges to be brought against The New York Times and The Washington Post for leaking of classified national security information -- the NSA surveillance program in the case of the Times and the once-secret detention […]

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March 13, 2006

Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold has been mentioned as a possible Democrat contender for the presidency in 2008 -- if only for the fact that just about every senator looks in the mirror each morning and sees a future president. If that's the case, Feingold must've been attempting to woo the Bush Derangement Syndrome-suffering base of […]

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March 12, 2006
Good article, bad writing

The New York Times has a profile of Dr. Wafa Sultan, the psychologist whose tongue-lashing of Islam I linked to last week. The article is pretty good, but in an effort to write a compelling lede, the Times gets its facts wrong. Three weeks ago, Dr. Wafa Sultan was a largely unknown Syrian-American psychiatrist living […]

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March 12, 2006
Define extreme

One of the logical necessities of the pro-choice movement is the de-humanification of the human fetus. A lot of moral angst and philosophical difficulties can be assuaged if a fetus is, as pro-choice advocates claim, nothing more than a clump of tissues. But is the view that a fetus is human and may experience what […]

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March 12, 2006
Welcome to San Diego

Hoystory is on vacation from his day job this week and in town to visit him is his favorite (and only) niece. Needless to say, posting will occur when it occurs.

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